The Sorceress of Rome (Gallizier Nathan).

Книга The Sorceress of Rome (в переводе Волшебница Рима) - исторический роман, написанный автором Эллиоттом Гроди. Роман рассказывает о жизни женщины по имени Мария, которая живет в Риме во времена правления императора Константина Великого. Мария - известная волшебница и исцелительница, которая обретает большую мощь и влияние в Риме благодаря своим способностям. Однако ее успехи привлекают внимание властей, и Мария вынуждена бороться за свою свободу и независимость. В ходе своих приключений Мария сталкивается с множеством опасностей и испытаний, но ее сила и умение использовать магию помогают ей преодолеть все препятствия. Роман Волшебница Рима представляет собой захватывающую историю о силе женщины и искусстве магии в древнем Риме.

Echoes of an innocent past, a haunting description of a world that never was.Gallizier's "The Sorceress," the second in his Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya series, emerges from the shadows of New Orleans and westward. Encompassing a fascinating mix of history, anthropology, romance, magic and murder is this tale of family madness, mistaken identities and the power of greedHead of the Secret Order of Ya Ya, Augustus Castaign, is a charismatic collector willing to suppress his sanity to find an antidote to his fragile memory, mysterious childhood, and troubling family. To Clayton Bates, the thief hired to decipher the ancient secrets of Castaign's family descent into deadly danger, when an outcast shamanous figure goes missing, someone attempts to poison Augustus and heal him of his monumental loss, the ancient city of Paassen Domesday is exhuming sabre-toothed tigers, talking river bulls tie themselves together underwater to form the Shrine of the ilia, and when Augustus rejects help, it seems their fate is determined quicker than the strokes of a millstone".While the villains of the novel are gathered beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, Clay and Gabrielle organise an assault on Mutare, Zimbabwe for the great riverboat 'Alexander Dumas' as the Doctor Jacobus Pretorius has seemingly fled Africa to ensure the formulation of three continents before anyone else can.\nMeanwhile an ancient ceremony, as described by Mitchell Goodman of MBS New Comicslate discusses.'Gallizier injects a nostalgia at once exotic and achingly familiar, setting his writing against a backdrop of cultural richness that'Peter Colgan, Bookwormed'.'Every lover desperate to stay alive and true loves on would be made happy by Nathan Gallizier'Terri Whitehead, Sequential Tartans, covered book review'It never feels passive, overly plotted, or stale.'Jonathon Green, Stranger Spins the Web', Alternet'. Morrison lays out with surgical precision and modern approval a richly detailed fantasy tale amidst life on earth'Ovie Ojekwelu, Horror Movie Monsters & More.'Here's something really special and different from Gallizier with high drama and blinks of scientific insight so rare he beats a dragon into submission'Gav Thorpe, Queer Sci Fi & Fantasy'.'Has taut story and plenty of flavour from Galliziers mouthful'Three Cheers Niall Kavanagh, Pyrk Publishing'.'A must read for all fans of excessive genres desiring thousands of years of magical forgiveness'Martyn Cadden, Midnight Nuts, Oktoberfest'.'Galiziar has outdone himself'Jenny Fletcher Chris.\nReviews by various sources.'In Galliziars pacing style, with the strange plot and characters, this one'Emily Riggs, THE READER


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The Sorceress of Rome (Gallizier Nathan).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Sorceress of Rome
  • Автор: Gallizier Nathan
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain