Inherited: Unexpected Family (Gabrielle Meyer).

Неожиданное партнерство

Приехав в Миннесотскую территорию со своими сестрами, чтобы забрать отель, доставшийся им в наследство от покойного отца, Элизабет Белл шокирована известием о том, что ей придется разделить свое наследство с привлекательным совладельцем. Прослужив слишком долго под началом деспотичного босса, Элизабет мечтает взять под контроль отель и свою жизнь. Но Джуд Аллен не согласен продать свою долю, а Элизабет отказывается уезжать.

Спасая падших женщин и предоставляя им работу в отеле, Джуд пытается искупить свое прошлое. Он надеется, что суровая пограничная жизнь заставит его нового компаньона уехать, прежде чем та узнает позорную правду и потребует прекратить его миссию. Но, возможно, он недооценил Элизабет... и силу любви, способной превратить сложности в светлое новое начало.

Маленькое наследие Фоллс: создание процветающего сообщества посредством любви и веры.

An Unexpected Partnership Gabrielle Meyer, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Featherweight and Besame Mucho The inhabitants of the town think Jude Allen is cursed – the lost son of a famous murderer of women, believed to have been driven mad by guilt. Every woman in the valley entreats him to renounce his inheritance, stay away from Elizabeth Bell, and flee forever before he ruins her life and his own. As Jude is drawn into his family sordid secret, he finds himself falling irrevocably in love with the misunderstood Elizabeth. But she harbors certain suspicions about his true identity and the sinister forces that surround them all. It is with the help of his new associates that Jude will fight for his happiness and remind Elizabeth that love conquers all… even bad fortune.

Inherited is a Novel by Gabrielle Meyer. This novel hits all the niche buttons of the romance genre and does so adeptly. Elizabeth and Jude give a unique new story of a man with enormous heartsore baggage coming to terms with the new life he has found living peacefully on the wild frontier of America.

Elizabeth, having lost a father who owned a hotel when the girls were children meets a fellow heir to Minnesotan hospitality – Jude. Initially, their mutual inheritance leaves them at odds as they vie for vitality and control over the success of the property's reopening. As these stakes mount, so too does their mutual understanding that it is the terrible conflicts of their pasts that conquer their destination.

From Emily's perspective there are unexpected twists and turns that Elizabeth's life will go through, although some relationships stand firm as support pillars. Hopefully, From Turkey's vantage point you can get through this whirlwind and feel part of their adventure together.


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Inherited: Unexpected Family (Gabrielle  Meyer).

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