Adventure Abenteuer Aventura Habana (Gabriele Martha Mauch).

Gabriele Mauch's book "Adventure Abenteuer Cuba" is a story that tells three tales in three different languages - English, German, and Spanish - set in Havana during the Cuban Revolution of 1959.

The author and filmmaker, Principessa lives in Berlin, while the natural health professional and film director, Barbaroßa in Munich, both have a journey through life-changing experiences over half a century, with Barbarosa back on track after suffering from a personal crisis.

Despite the different circumstances in which these characters find themselves, they all share a deep connection to the Cuban culture and people, and come together in a heartwarming adventure that brings them together to face their personal challenges.

Одна книга на трёх языках, английском, немецком и испанском, объединяет увлекательные приключения принцессы из Берлина Габриэле Марши Маучик История принца Барбароссы из Мюнхена и прекрасного инженера Лота из местности Волдорф.



Adventure Abenteuer Aventura Habana (Gabriele Martha Mauch).

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