Endlos verbunden (Gabriela Meyer).

Gabriella Meyer, "Endless Connected"

A beautiful young woman who lost her parents several years ago and struggled through a difficult time now leads a carefree life enjoying the comfort of financial independence, is successful in her career and has sworn to never limit herself to a relationship. Because despite having special relationships with two men, she feels free and unrestricted and enjoys life to the fullest - this should not change. But then a long-forgotten friend from her childhood suddenly enters her life - and shakes up her entire world. Never before had she experienced such feelings: Is there even such a thing as soul mates? Is it worth pursuing? Aleah finds out.

Gabriela Meyers "Endlos verbunden" . Это история молодой одинокой женщины, которая красивая, но занята только удовольствиями, отказывается от серьезных отношений и наслаждается прелестями жизни. Все благополучно, она успешна в профессии. Но былые чувства вынуждают пересмотреть ее жизненные приоритеты.



Endlos verbunden (Gabriela Meyer).

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