The Birth of Tragedy (Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше).

Эта книга была написана Фридрихом Ницше в 1872 году. В ней автор рассматривает происхождение античной греческой трагедии и ее связь с древнегреческой музыкой.

Ницше анализирует два начала в греческом искусстве - аполлоническое и дионисийское. Аполлоническое начало связано с гармонией, ясностью, разумом. Дионисийское - с хаосом, страстью, опьянением. Греческая трагедия, по мысли Ницше, возникла из соединения этих двух начал.

Трагедия давала возможность люд

Фридрих Вильгельм NIetzsche: The Birth Of Tragedy

The Birth Of Tragedy was written by Friedrich NIetzsche in 1872, during his lifetime, he published only 2 works, both were philosophical inquiries on “the child of superman”.This book seems to be about the meaning of life, according to what PIeces view life has its own logic, sadness and absurdity.Nietzsches purpose with this book was not to prove his philosophy but to express it clearly to the common reader, however tragedy should be witnessed instead of described, as to qualify its evil reality.In narrating his thesis Nietzsche provides a study of tragedy as an aesthetic concept, bringing up some figures of Greek drama such as Agamemnon, Medea, Demetrio, conducting an historical analysis of the epic poetry in ancient Greek times, removing the grain of comedy from them in order to give the truly tragic sense to these works.Tragedy is viewed progressing the will to live; consequently, tragedies could fruitify to contemporary life in order to spur people for action.In conclusion can be said that, Nietzche`s philosophical reflections from The Birth of tragedy work steadily on the relation between western culture, and the superior position ancient Greeks had when Nietzches companions in the younger Platonic Academy were a future revival modern Greek language and classical vistas.


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The Birth of Tragedy (Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Birth of Tragedy
  • Автор: Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain