Diary in America, Series Two (Фредерик Марриет).

Книга "Diary in America, Series Two" - это продолжение первой серии дневников, написанных британским писателем Фредериком Марлином во время его путешествия по Соединенным Штатам в 19 веке. В этой книге Марлин описывает свои впечатления от поездки по ряду штатов, включая Нью-Йорк, Пенсильванию, Огайо и Иллинойс, а также провинциальные городки и сельскую местность. Он пишет о своих встречах с людьми разных социальных слоев и культур, о жизни и обычаях американцев, а также о своих мыслях и впечатлениях о стране в целом. Книга представляет собой интересный документ истории и культуры США, а также читается как увлекательное путешествие в прошлое.

Diary of a Visit to Algiers, Серия 2, Автор:Frederick Marryat "Diary in America", one of the early journalistic reports, was created by the famous British writer Frederick Marryat. Nouvellists examines the conditions of life of American immigrants who arrived to England from the continent and received grants on the North America Colonization Act, created in the United States Congress in 1819."In the city of Washington, C.Washington D.C., I arrived in autumn... buffeted rain and chilled by the autumn or Christmas frosts. To my astonishment, the region appeared rather impressive. Here, on congressional lands, numerous houses around different colors and architectural styles, as well as huge monuments illuminated by artificial lights. The whole journey consumed several days, during which, I came upon many interesting sights. New York has over 50 bridges that cross the East River between Manhattan and Long Island."Marryat registered the main problems of immigrants, such as living conditions, theft, unevens distribution of jobs and discrimination."Relationships with the British population associated with various conflicts and misunderstandings. Occasional skirmishes with the native residents prompted Maria Mariati to regard the newcomers as people of another sort, like animals, incapable of polite behavior. Journalist planed many adventures stories and brings up lots of wonderful comments about the reality America. Above all, he comes to the conclusion that the US the land of great opportunities, especially for creative people (writers, artists).


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Diary in America, Series Two (Фредерик Марриет).

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