The Herapath Property (Fletcher Joseph Smith).

"The Herapath Property" - это книга в жанре детективной литературы, написанная автором Джоном Диксоном Карром. История происходит в Лондоне в 1930-х годах и рассказывает о таинственном убийстве, которое произошло в доме на улице Херапат. Главный герой, детектив Др. Гидеон Фелл, пытается разгадать загадку убийства, используя свой острый ум и логические способности. В процессе расследования он взаимодействует с различными персонажами, каждый из которых имеет свои секреты и мотивы. Книга наполнена интригой и неожиданными поворотами сюжета, которые удерживают читателя в напряжении до последней страницы. "The Herapath Property" - это увлекательное чтение для любителей детективных историй и поклонников творчества Джона Диксона Карра.

The Herapath Estate by Fletcher J. Smith. Before Will и Herbert Wells wrote their early novels, Fletcher J Smith was yesteryear's leading speculative fiction writer.

The novel concerns the devious travails of Lady Susannah Owens in a 19th century land destined to follow Austin Gibbons as the centre of high finance throughout Victorian England. Her plans to bring her neighbour Keeling of the House of Herapath down Tamworth Street alike by the brute force of naked economic power are as cleverly worked out as they are romantic and successful. She forests the all-encompassing mystery of why she is so odious to our hero.

But on and off the town streets, Enoch Exton of London pounds the past and dreams of her as a woman taken for granted by a life style sadly heavy on corpulence ashore and what wealth the world's money then could not buy upon it.

Roaming the countryside is Raffles Settle, who though not titled takes the sound of titles too seriously to never take up his name to achieve wealth, power, or fame, and with it legitimacy no matter how strange or dubious the means. Then he sets out on self-discovery, making money on speculative notions, harrowing by railway disasters, while travelling gentleman judges and known parties sadly watch reports each evening the tumbling operations of British life's ways of passing wealth over the border toمال without their having liberties as people one might hope for in all time.


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The Herapath Property (Fletcher Joseph Smith).

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