Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus Fearthought (Fletcher Horace).

Книга "Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus Fearthought" (Счастье, найденное в предвидении без страха) - это работа, которая исследует понятие счастья и предлагает новые подходы к достижению его. Автор предлагает, что ключ к счастью заключается в том, чтобы научиться жить в настоящем моменте, без страха будущего и без регретов прошлого. Книга написана легким и доступным языком, и содержит множество примеров из жизни, которые помогут читателю лучше понять и применить концепции, описанные в книге.

«Happiness as Found…» is the central volume in the series Ideal States, developed by the philosopher-psychologist Fletcher H., which includes also the work “The Happiness to be Found in Imagination Minus Imagination” (Klub Itogi No. 3(103)). The description “minus Fearthought” at once makes an impression on the reader and causes evasive curiosity. What do they mean? To find happiness without fearthought? What kind of fearthoughs may they be? But the real meaning of these words will become clear only on penetrating into the mind of the author. In this work H. raises the most important problem of philosophy for humanity and of natural sciences – the problem of successful time-management, the organization of events and self-regulation. Time, according to H., is not given in this world as equality to each person, and may be estimated according to his personal importance: “If we can look at counting the years of a person as something commonly understandable, why worry when a man is a ubiquitous particle in space?” … His approach consists of asserting that human knowledge, abilities and means of studying nature allow falling back the structure of dynamic time classifying natural laws. He asserts that “our task is connected with understanding them and organization them according to common ideas about ultimate aim of that classification,” namely – the shortest pathway of time management from cradle to grave. From both, the practical and perspective of methodological and axiological charivarious lucidity “Happiness” leaves no indifferent not simply reader without insinuating the audience a consciousness of subject nonphilosophical necessity and real ascent of affirmative attitudes and rational behavior in the future life


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Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus Fearthought (Fletcher Horace).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus Fearthought
  • Автор: Fletcher Horace
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain