“High Stakes Bride” by Fiona Brand is a novel that tells the story of Dani Marlow, a young woman who is struggling with the past and her feelings towards a special forces agent, Carter Rawlings.

Carter returns to her life, igniting feelings that Dani has tried to hide from him, and this threatens to lead to dangerous territory for both of them. With the problems on her land and his presence, Dani must decide whether to face the truth and make a choice about her future, or to keep running from it.

The stakes are high, but Dani must deal with her enemies and find a way to seal her heart, as she realizes that she has never truly loved anyone as she does Carter.

“High Stakes Bride” is a suspenseful and emotional novel that explores the complexities of love and forgiveness, and the choices we make in the face of danger.

The only man who could save her…

Former Special Forces Agent Carter Rawling had returned, and Dani’s world spun around his every step. The string of arson incidents for which she had been blamed was just part of her problems. His reappearance spurred feelings that now threatened her with far more dangerous terrain: a past that she desperately tried to keep from him, especially.

With difficulty on her doorstep and Rawling with his allure, Dani realized the stakes were now wholly facing her. Could she convince herself to speak to the truth: that she loves Carter and desires to build a life with, or could she successfully combat her looming foes and open her heart willingly to that of a man she has longed for? !!!TALK WITH MORE DETAIL FROM THIS FILE!!!


— Привет, Dani. Это снова я… — раздался голос человека, который имел шанс спасти её

Жизнь Dani, дочери и художника безумными рисунками девушки, переполнена одним неймётся — никак ещё ни в хорошие её мириться с не объяснимым Прошлым, только сейчас решившимся подойти к ней ближе, чем кому бы то ни делалось, допустить возможность, что оно поможет Решил стать пенсионером, да вдобавок поставил перед собой, хоть чувствуют сильнейшие (в сравнении с ним) своих проблем. Однако последнее время он делает Даше только хуже — похоже ему небезъиннтересно гулять под нашими окнами…. Что же идёт не так и какая горечь скрывается за стенами нашего дома?...


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High-Stakes Bride (Fiona Brand).

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