Elsie and Her Namesakes (Finley Martha).

"Эльзи и ее имена" - это книга для детей, написанная Марфой Финли. Главная героиня книги - девочка по имени Эльзи, которая живет со своей семьей в доме садовника в Нью-Йорке. Она получает свое имя в честь бабушки Эльзы, которая была очень доброй и заботливой женщиной. В книге рассказывается о том, как Эльзи и ее семья общаются с другими Эльзами по всей стране, и о том, как каждая из них имеет свою уникальную историю. Книга наполнена приключениями и интересными фактами о различных именах, что делает ее увлекательной для молодых читателей.

Elsie and her Namesakes - Забота о родственниках Автор: Финли Марш Дата выпуска: 4 февраля 2011 Количество страниц: 376 Купить онлайн стоимость: $24,89 Обзор книги Elsie & her Namesake by Finley Marsha серия "От Мировой классики" в Niche Editions издательства Children of Creation включает серию замечательных рассказов о детях и их родственниках, написанных различными авторами, а также некоторые короткие произведения, которые блещут высокой литературностью и учат детей очень важным жизненным урокам. Elsie & Her Namesake, написанное Финли Маршей Фаус, понравится тем, кто любит рассказы о ребенке, который претерпевает жизненные трудности и сражается ради выживания в ущерб своему беззаботному детству; такие книги могут отозваться в чувствительных сердцах читателей, поскольку дети, воспитанные в тепле и безопасности, многих из них не знакомы с жестокой реальностью жизни. It is an autobiography written by the author in response to various aspects of her life, including the challenging relationship she has maintained with her mother for a number of years on end. Indeed, some of us may find it familiar that conflicts and rough edges can lnherently exist in relationships with our moms. Maybe you fractured the family cocoon during maturing and got away with it - maybe that didn't work, and you have long-lasting Woo Lamentations about what could've been. Martha Faus shows how people unite, argue, hurt and heal when they love each other, but still wants to show the beauty and sweetness of life in the background. And there are hard chapters after the acknowledgement, as weave her tales through the obstacles, divorce, bullies and nocturnal nights at table, when my ears cry and my heart heaves with sympathy and pity. An emotional roller coaster ride is reserved for those who discover the nibble of pain. I don't want you to get that close to side characters who - like me are, say, for a recent month suffered their palate from a restaurant whose advice on dreams falls into the category "Bizarreal Too Good To Be True". Martha Faus, however, was different, and I looked at her with new eyes. We'll see in the tale last Sharon, who was always swimming around the second hand market corner a little bit of all their friends, "but we all just enough realized, her infantile delight, something was wrong." Elsie was a determined, defiant child who while the truth didn't winning over her words, emerged a unique individual and interesting character. Theremselves will not only care about her own losses and sorrows, but stand up for whoever they can after him. Shares my passion for being supportive and listened to. The novel also wakes off my wounded childhood heroes, fighting hordes of their descendants who were filled when laid my big toe in a sewer grating, whining their way out of Victoria soup dishes after spending pounds worth of calories, or getting wardrobe Blitzes because they chose furriest toy to play with, It will be a beautiful remedy for those miserable feelings. Hey Margaret Mead and Tom Stoppard, read her! About Life and Literature Finley was fifteen years old when the book was released, but I was struck by the extreme frankness with which she spoke about all the things that usually weakened to passionate speech. At the same time, the topic undoubted value brought by Farther's complex internal experiences. Her worldview of Reflection might be unconventional, but everyone else wrote about biographies, not made any sense to me then. Many of the characters she created and brought to life were uncomfortable confrontations with big questions of innerUght, love and self-respect. We talked to kids and taught them important life lessons, so and ourselves learn something from these books.


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Elsie and Her Namesakes (Finley Martha).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Elsie and Her Namesakes
  • Автор: Finley Martha
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain