The English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian Drama (Filon Augustin).

Книга "The English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian Drama" рассказывает о театральном искусстве в период Викторианской эпохи. Автор представляет читателю историю английской сцены в конце 19-го века, описывая основные тенденции и театральные произведения того времени. В книге также анализируются театральные техники и методы, используемые в викторианской драме, а также обсуждаются вопросы эстетики и драматургии. "The English Stage" является ценным источником информации для всех, кто интересуется историей театра и культурой Великобритании.

Эта книга является историческим обзором состояния театральной сцены Англии в годы правления Виктории, длившиеся с 1837 по 1901 годы.

The English Stage Being an Account Of The Victorian Drama is the best critical work on Victorian drama written since the death of Sir Henry Irving in 1905. This comprehensive study analyses the plays, playshows and operas which were produced by nearly two thousand companies of one sort or another during this period. At the heart of it all is a discussion of the importance of Irving as a pioneer, and thanks to his introductions to new principles of light, machinery and acting on stage. Irving so effectively utilised steam power, discovered the profits to be derived from indoor stage playhouses, propagated motion-picture scenery and introduced the "actor of the imagination" and the transformation actor. In the playbill based on these theories and practice, Irving emphasised using vivid language with metaphors, diction and sensational entrances and exits. These same aspects of style and performance inspired subsequent Victorian language and its usage nostalgically persists on the British stage even today. The Victorians inherited much of what they were to give back later years, including James Pearson Froude's lectures on natural history, William Morris's poetry and essays, old Indian theatre andfquests. But they also influenced greatly by their own means, Julius Caesar Saxton, Byron, Southey, Shakespeare, Coleridge John and Byron and later Alfred Tennyson and Alfred Lord Tennyson. He restates the main problems of Victorian ideology, face to face but being richly developed, covered in this study. Filo A: (Filon Hadjin) Introduction) Victorian culture of this issue and period development was carried out extensively in English Language in master works like:- Aslaksen Bradshaw: "The Political Theatre" Hatrak Sweeney: "Art and Ideology in Victorian Britain" Michael Aach-Oatom: "Huckleberry Tennyson" "He wrote a three volume study titled "English Drama in the Nineteenth Century". he draws attention to the differences between British and American plays. British playwrights believed that they were obliged to make the audience think and feel instead of merely laughing and crying.


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The English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian Drama (Filon Augustin).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The English Stage: Being an Account of the Victorian Drama
  • Автор: Filon Augustin
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain