The Adventures of a Widow: A Novel (Fawcett Edgar).

"The Adventures of a Widow: A Novel" - это книга, которая рассказывает о приключениях вдовы. Она описывает ее жизнь после смерти мужа и ее попытки перестроить свою жизнь. Главная героиня сталкивается с различными препятствиями на своем пути, но не сдаётся и продолжает двигаться вперед. Книга охватывает широкий спектр тем, включая любовь, потерю, дружбу и самопознание. Она написана в увлекательном стиле и предлагает читателю уникальную возможность окунуться в мир главной героини и посмотреть на жизнь с ее точки зрения.

Widow is the story of Angelina Rawlings, orphaned, and barely able to support herself, who places an ad in the daily newspaper hoping to meet a reasonable man to marry her. She has little expectation, but eventually her luck runs out, a happily married man replies, and they arrange to meet for the evening. At that crucial moment, though, she is swindled out of $50 by her maid, and further more, however pleased Angelina initially is with her husband Lovey Harrison, she becomes increasingly disenchanted with him and decides to run off and marry Billy Russell (the latter's very serious proposals are ignored because he is not "the right kind" for a widow), pursued as usual by Harrison and the police. Widow (well, at least Lover) is a humorous tale portending a surprisingly close shrift between reality and fiction, as various situations unfold through characters' experiences with and interpretations of courtroom drama, medicine, property law, theological doubt, deathbed confessions, sacred vows, Mormon polygamy, Infidel hypocrisy and fairy tales.\nLeading characters include Bess Worcester, Harrison (a boisterous, thief-taker), his good friend Cartridge Jones, Tibbott Rawlyng (Angelina's uncle), the previously noted Rawlings and Advocate Granger, Hotkins, and Sweet-water, their maid Lucy Merryfinch, peculiar Judge Gibbett, along with a host of others. Edwin Monk, Arnold Wildmore, Benson Brown dan Jack Haremore also feature prominently.


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The Adventures of a Widow: A Novel (Fawcett Edgar).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Adventures of a Widow: A Novel
  • Автор: Fawcett Edgar
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain