Wenn neben mir das Blut erwacht (Falk-Adrian Hoog).

Falk Adrian Hoog - немецкий писатель, наиболее известен его серия книг "Wenn neben mir", в которой он описывает свои сны. В книге "Когда рядом со мной пробудилось кровь" Falk-Adrian пишет об одном человеке, которому снится, что он просыпается и замечает у себя на руке рваные раны. Каждый раз этот сон приводит к его встрече с новым человеком, с которым он во сне знакомится, и в следующем сне продолжает отношения с ним. Falk пишет о чувствах, которые часто возникают между людьми из сна и пытается понять, откуда происходят эти сны.

Falk Hoog's novel "When Blood Awakens" begins on a quiet Easter Monday morning at the Kaluga Region Fair in the slow rustling center of Russia with Alexei Bessonov, an average high school boy who lives in Saint Petersburg, reading depressed poetry, absorbed in a self-pity routine that diminishes his interest in his unremarkable own personality.\nAlexei is an Anglo-Russo; he has English parents and speaks Russian as well as giving his name to a satirical international organization, but half a world away from Russia's ever-cyclical Black Sundays, he lives on the other shore of the Neva, where there are kebab, McDonald's and corporate vodka salesmen.\nHe attends his hometown garbage dump high school surrounded by older, flamboyant students with tattoos and expensive shoes and seniors dressed like old women to draw their exclusive books.\nOne day a couple heads up to the rooftop to finish off their problems by stabbing each other and he records what he thinks will be mere school news for his Animal Biology class excursion the next year.\nBut just as much as he hates мухи, making it through school; dealing with troublesome neighbors who play music all day and night long; or his classmates is far from trivial. They fall pregnant, murder people, go to jail and take turns spending summer breaks and weekends with their quasi-celebrated fathers and permanent drug dealers - middle-aged men with lice and who grew up in crumbling communal blocks and apartments.\nFor one boat ride Alexei actually gets the local Rostilson crime boss to take a day off from his Plan B escape plan to plane in one that'd make Ira Glass proud: neighboring Veselnaya, an island within Ivan Susanin's infamous tour of banishment.\nFrom here, Alexei's trip complications fly through the days and nights until he discovers a body, discovered ministrant is that not literally? Russland Über Alles, you might ask, gets stranger than Bowie: experimental publishing in post-Soviet Kaluga, Russia, punk culture,\nasylum as the conclusion, shocking conclusions, alienation, expectations, Eastern Orthodoxy\xa0– Catholicism, mystery, conspiracy theories, golden age materialism\xa0— posted teen life: Falk Hoog draws a rich, brutal tale through crimson and pale shades of black.\nHere, there aren't just two languages involved, there's angst, youth and old in one corner and gambling card game in another and topical, real-world events peppered with unfiltered Russian literature all tied up in unsolvable knots with everyone finally coming out having either gone crazy, committed arson or hung themselves or been put down.\nFacing, friends becoming enemies, honesty becomes the footnote, and even friendship, anyone can suffer, anyone could fall, anyone call the police now.\nIt's typically Falk Hoog territory and a celebration of Russian teen culture where life is difficult and blood awakens."When Blood Awakes" furthers Hoog\'s unflinching study into the delicate balance between fascination, internal and external conflict, objects and ideas.\nOn a more personal level, it continually questions how close a character actually is to his or her soul, which is closer than you think anyway.\nMore closely than Marc Cameron, more willingly than Stephen King, and firmly centred as a literary work inside the Q tradition via David Foster Wallace and Mark us Fischer, "When Blood Awaken" in both its original German and sequel Detective Alex with its darkly comic clarity and metaphysical density may be Hoog living up to his threat coming to be the next big thing in German literature.\nA stand-alone novel with more than enough material for a film-length sequence, an exciting development in Hoog\'s low-key exploration of traumatic childhood and adolescence stretched across the pages of Merveilleuse, Zeitgeist and now tensions between established reading groups and mounting commercial media spectacle and the dark provocative nature of this book far transcends any genre confines to its Baltic origins.\nBut let\'s be honest: Reichskanzler Göring rightly warned about the perils of alien unification, not least by stressing the rulebook ones should over engineer: "Don't glue your hammer to every nail you find - some should have nails of their own too".\nWith "When Blood Awakening", Falk Hoog shows he understands that too; as raw and visceral and unsettling as The New Yorker Todd Sallis acknowledges of Hoog, \xbbWhen Blood Akawns\xaa receives more congratulations, offers the bigger, deeper essayistic keys like Choir of Numbers - which focussed on the German underground poet Thomas Mann - it parses Highwaymen by Mary Roach, кем it can also hold the attention and potentially teach the reader more about reality, our place in it, and empathy the more readers willing to dive with Hoog and Alex beneath the waves and drive deep into those waters.\nWhen you hit the depths and find Perhaps if you read this with you\'re mind already prepared and know what an F/M is, What a Mescaline Crisis is ( consider Books in Japanese Translation\xa0- ) and Hydra Effect you may survive.




Wenn neben mir das Blut erwacht (Falk-Adrian Hoog).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Wenn neben mir das Blut erwacht
  • Автор: Falk-Adrian Hoog
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783955775704