Glut im Herz (Esther Grünig-Schöni).

The story of Florent, who struggles with his life. How can bad things become good? A simple formula? No. Maybe constructive or destructive? Everything that can be said does not apply completely. But it is.

Florent's life raises questions. Sometimes it's impossible to find reasonable answers. His life shakes and leads to a world that maybe you don't want to go to. The world of a victim. And yet it is worth knowing this.

Flo -- thrown away child-- Beautiful child -- abused at the home, tormented Object -- street boy -- small criminal -- rocker -- biker -- learner -- entrepreneur -- man -- handsome man -- friend and lover -- lively and moving life. Must he kill his childhood to overcome his traumas and experience life? Where is he going?

It may happen in the city, in the vicinity, in the country where we stay. Everywhere up close and moving, a story about the causes, backgrounds, and consequences of child abuse and violence against children. The consequences of lost childhood. Yet a glimpse of hope and light.

Книга о Флоренте, который учится жить. Как из плохого может получиться хорошее? Простая формула? Нет. Может быть Конструктивное и Деструктивное? Все, что можно сказать, не соответствует действительности. Но оно есть.



Glut im Herz (Esther Grünig-Schöni).

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