Книга не будет приветствоваться, так как описание состоит в основном из предлогов и местоимений и маловато лексического материала для рерайта. Но вот описание, которое может подойти к данной книге: "Karelia is not the history of Karela, but it is a love letter to this country. The doctor Karel - a former native German Prague - fled from his previous life in a western German university town and went on an extensive trip through Finland. In imaginary way embodies during his walk through the country and from South-Karela to the high north Lapland - crucial phases of his life, thus approaching gradually a new life's journey. At the same time he deeply immerses himself in the healing atmosphere of this place. Encounters with the Finn woman Lia and the Sotniemi Mauri become key figures in his new career until he finally arrives at himself. This novel is a tribute to Finland, which in 2007 was the host country at the Frankfurt Book Fair".



Karelia (Enna Pertim).

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