Ojos color del tiempo (Edith María Del Valle Oviedo).

Salvatore lives with his family and they are all fishermen in Trápani on Sicilia. He commits a crime and escapes to Naples where he boards a ship that is leaving for Argentina. He meets Giulio who is also from Sicily. They arrive in Buenos Aires and find a job in Villa Nueva where they settle to live. He falls in love with Juana who was instantly attracted to him. Juana is a poor young girl from Córdoba who falls in love for his blonde "gods of clear eyes". The terrible flood of 1883 in Villa Nueva flooded the entire village, and in which Salvador receives a blow that causes him to lose his memory. It turns out Juana saves his life, takes him to Villa Maria by horseback across the raging river and convinces him that she is his wife. Found by his family and friends, Salavatore is rescued and returns with his wife Antonia only to feel resentful towards the woman who had deceived him, while Antonia finds out that she saved her life and did it through love. This won't be Juana's only time saving Salvador's life. Even when two Sicilians try to kill him, they are stopped before he can intervene. Juana becomes pregnant and her cousins in Villa Maria take her under their wing, supporting her in the decision she makes regarding her pregnancy, and she decides to have it but get Salavatore to never find out. She starts at school to learn how to read and write, but has to drop out as her pregnancy starts to show. A journalist and lawyer sees her at the library and begins giving her classes. When going to interview a famous priest in the countryside, Father Brochero says to Juana that she is a savior. She gets married to this man and he will recognize the daughter that will be born. Together they form a family that loves each other. New messengers arrive from Trápani seeking revenge and Salavatore's wife dies leaving him to take care of his young daughter. Juana and her husband move to the city of Córdoba so she can continue her studies as a teacher and because she fears that Salvador will find out that he has a daughter with her and take it away. Juana's husband dies due to illness and Salavatore, taking their daughter to a patriotic gathering in Plaza San Martin, brings her to an academic school where she was a student. There with the school she works at, Juana has her degree and her daughter. Little girls notice each other and realize they are family. Once he believes she's right, he finds her, follows her, and slowly wins her trust until they fall in love and get married.



Ojos color del tiempo (Edith María Del Valle Oviedo).

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