The Mask of the Red Death (Unabridged) (Эдгар Аллан По).

"The Mask of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe is a haunting and suspenseful tale set in a mysterious castle in an ominous forest. A young boy named Oliver wakes up suddenly during a nightmare and finds himself lost in a strange realm where danger and supernatural forces are at work.

As Oliver explores the castle and meets its sinister inhabitants, he begins to discover secrets that could lead to the end of all things. The masked Red Death, a vengeful demon who once stalked the kings of France, is everywhere and holds Oliver captive in his gruesome red mask. The boy must confront the evil and deceive the Red Death into leaving him unharmed, if the fate of his loved ones is to be saved.

"The Mask of the Red Death," a meditation on death, love, revenge, and the horrors that lurk beneath the surface of reality, will captivate readers from its introduction to its ultimate conclusion.


#зарубежная классика

The Mask of the Red Death (Unabridged) (Эдгар Аллан По).

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