Three men in a boat. Three men on the bummel. Трое в лодке. Трое на велосипедах (Джером Джером). 2017г.

Книга “Three men in a Boat” and “Three men on the Bummel” by Jerome Jerome is a collection of two famous works that have been translated into the original language. This book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the classics of literature, history, and language. The original works are a great way to get a deeper understanding of the authors’ styles and to expand one’s vocabulary and knowledge of the history of the language. It is also a great way to introduce students to the classics of foreign literature.

This is a book about three people traveling together, sketching nature along the way. The book is written in English but now there's a problem — the characters don't know a word of English and speak only a dialectal patois of French.

There are also other jokes about British society and customs which can be understood by people not so familiar with England.


#учебная литература

#английский язык

Three men in a boat. Three men on the bummel. Трое в лодке. Трое на велосипедах (Джером Джером). 2017г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Three men in a boat. Three men on the bummel. Трое в лодке. Трое на велосипедах
  • Автор: Джером Джером
  • Категория: Учебная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 2017г.
  • Язык: Русский
  • Из Серий: Читаем в оригинале
  • Паблишер: ЮРАЙТ
  • ISBN: 9785534052763