The Major and the Country Miss (Dorothy Elbury).

В романе "Майор и деревенская мисс" герои оказываются втянутыми в загадочное событие, а секреты разделяют их. Майор Уильям Мейтленд возвращается героем из войны, но ему поручают самое странное задание — разыскать потерянного наследника состояния его дяди. Он отправляется в сельскую местность Уорикшира, чтобы раскрыть двадцатилетний секрет, но даже не подозревает, что встреча с давним другом из армии приведет его к ключу от загадки. Или что кузина его друга, прекрасная Джорджианна Венаблз, окажется его собственным личным Ватерлоо. Ведь у Джорджианны тоже есть секрет, который может помешать Уиллу взять ее руку и сердце в замужество...

The Major and Country Miss is a novel by Dorothy L. Sayers, first published in 1922 and later republished in numerous editions.\nThe story concerns the life of Donald Strachan, a young man whose powerful mother desires him to marry the daughter of Winston Churchill, herself the niece of the future prime minister. The young man, however, falls in love and weds Georgie Charles, who becomes acquainted with the works of C. S. Lewis.\nWill Maitland, an ex-Army soldier posing as a fruit farmer to locate Calvin Strattan, comes to stay at Prestbury Estates, where he encounters the couple, Georgiana and Donald Charles.\nMaitland does not know that Will Maitland is actually a spy assigned to track Calvin Stratchan down, who Georgi Charles believes to be Donald.\nShe also does not know she has fallen in love with Maitland.\nWhen she learns the truth she insists that he leave immediately, despite his saying he cannot do so until Calvin Strachan is found.\nGeorgi Charles comes to an understanding with Maitland and believes that Calvin Strachan was executed, due to suspicions of supposed treason.\nBut when a letter from Calvin\'s pen appears, all this is revealed and Maitland leaves for London, promising to return, returning to 2 virgin branches pond Mairfield the family home.\nHowever, although it is Calvin Strachance dead, his brother Dominick and Donald have for some reason slinked away into the East End, several deaths plague Maitland on the journey to London what will become his nemesis.\nThese excursions include a snake bite, which requires his stay in hospital, and a harrowing encounter with Russian road agents trying to turn him back.\nDespite these problems, Maitland finally arrives in London and discovering that Georgi and Thoburn Gold, Sir Hubert Peniton and Chief Superintendent Tomlinson have followed him he meets a shocking death


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The Major and the Country Miss (Dorothy Elbury).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Major and the Country Miss
  • Автор: Dorothy Elbury
  • Категория: Исторические любовные романы
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Historical
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781408908228