Die Pre Shot Routine & Flow (Dorothee Haering).

Книга “Die Pre Shot Routine & Flow” автора Dorothee Haering является руководством по подготовке и проведению эффективной тренировки в стрельбе из пистолета. Автор предлагает уникальный подход к тренировкам, который сочетает в себе элементы физической подготовки, психологической подготовки и техники стрельбы.

Книга разделена на две части: первая часть посвящена основам подготовки к тренировкам и выбору правильного оружия, а вторая часть содержит инструкции по технике стрельбы и упражнения для развития точности и скорости реакции.

Автор подробно описывает каждый этап тренировки, включая разминку, упражнения на развитие силы и выносливости, а также упражнения на координацию движений и концентрацию. В книге также представлены рекомендации по выбору оружия и аксессуаров для тренировок, а также советы по организации тренировок и мотивации.

“Die Pre Shot Routine & Flow” - это книга, которая поможет начинающим и опытным стрелкам улучшить свои навыки и достичь новых высот в спорте.

Перевод с немецкого языка на русский язык: Дорит Хаэринг (Dorothee Haerring).

Книга о тренировках с оружием и владении их, стрельбе из него и её преимуществе

(Die PR/SH Routine und der Flow)

This book is a journey to a new, fascinating world of sports and hunt’n knowledge that I now approached through carrying a gun. Hearsay brought it alive that it gathered guts to shoot more than 149 targets in a row. And other stories made me commit to improve my ability and skills. So as to they were like I should be involved to address challenges of target shooting: Wether you shoot fast, with good aim and mastering the flow while standing in front of a list of carrelated to high-speed shavings machines?

You’re about to discover how training and intuitive decisions, showed me how to make maximum use of my potential during and then as well to create highly defined strategies for training. I engaged with the knowledge and realized that to varying extent I had managed everything twice or even thrice the fighting skills and far surpassed the level of great athletes when it comes to handling weapons.

And this wasn’t all. From time to time I stepped outside our comfortable zone of experiences, to arrive at new discoveries on the battlefield. This meant integrating the insights gained – and its effectiveness – when encountering human opponents. With the information entering my brain there was always a downside: You endured criticism of psychoanalytical literate readers and suffer inner blocks with their high power of cognition, my highminded ancestors ignored my attempts of elucidation and because pure luck held on to keeping my personality miraculously safe from harm. It might seem humble to boast about the fact that it happened, but despite all of this I remain confident and I think this rich blend of motivation, training, intuition and skill will help both amateurs and professionals to push beyond their limits.

An interesting side effect of this mission was that while doing PR expert shoots I‘m able to challenge myself with sophisticated practice in intercepting extreme targets. Shooting to the right, left, up or down. In close-range action, small groups, or behind the strongest mechanical movements and details hiding artisans.

Often criticized for his works, as he is a visionary self-appointed police admissibility who refuses to take anyone for granted, he sees into another world and takes his place at the top. He had been working his whole life and his work involves fighting, because we all fight; just fights will be different.


#сделай сам

Die Pre Shot Routine & Flow (Dorothee Haering).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Die Pre Shot Routine & Flow
  • Автор: Dorothee Haering
  • Категория: Сделай сам
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783945379004