The Time of Revolt (Donatella Di Cesare).

"The Time of Revolts" by Donatella di Cesare explores the events and nature revolting behaviors in our modern world. As capitalism gains upper hand, faith in society begins to crumble while unrest movements break all over the globe. Some moments see these movements thaw out slowly, while others explode abruptly. Even the ongoing pandemic has not abated this kind of phenomenon as our protests are slowly sparked to life once again through the Minnesota City's brutal murder of Mr.George Floyd in 2020. This calls for reflection as we face an era of violent revolutions.

According to the author, revoluting is a challenging element within any system, whether they are democratic, or undemocratic dictatorships. It raises questions about the political ethos of these governments and the legitimacy of rulers' authority. She raises the question of why does radicalized behavior have difficulty cohabiting with an environment governed by orderly political structures, asserting that "Revolts break time apart and throw history in disaray, revealing the viscous practices that underpin it". For Donatella, revolving time is rather defined as a self-transformative process of creating alternatives to current political design.

For students of political theory and critical thinking, Di Cesare's approach presents a well-balanced and intelligent vision on revolting phenomena and their underlying manifestations in contemporary culture, her analysis reveals solutions and presents alternatives for mindful governance of our future societies.


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The Time of Revolt (Donatella Di Cesare).

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