Wir lieben Papa und Mama! - Wie aus Scheidungskindern glückliche und starke Persönlichkeiten werden (Dipl. Psychologe Jens Seidel).

"Wir lieben Papa and Mama!" by Jens Seider describes how children born in a separation can become strong and successful individuals. It discusses the challenges and opportunities that these children face and how they can overcome them with the help of their parents and professionals.

The book is highly practical and based on extensive research and experience. The author is a psychologist who has worked with numerous families going through a divorce. His approach is compassionate and understanding, allowing readers to relate to the experience of the children.

We love Papa and Mummy... is an invaluable resource for parents seeking to support their children through difficult times. It provides valuable information on child development, parent-child relationships, and strategies for helping children cope with grief and loss. It also offers practical advice on communication, conflict resolution, and self-care.

Overall, We love Papa and Mum...! is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand and support children going through divorce or other challenges. Its message of love, acceptance, and strength will be a source of comfort and inspiration for those involved in such situations."

Книга посвящена тому, какие проблемы возникают в семье при разводе и как их решать. Автор, дипломированный психолог и тренер по коммуникации, предлагает свою систему преодоления возникающих при разрыве отношений трудностей. В книге кратко и доступно излагаются действенные методы помощи детям в ситуации развода, предлагаются пути предотвращения разного рода осложнений, восстановления доверия между бывшими супругами и обучения их навыкам релаксации.

— We live longer surveys children from divorced families. — how they make out after the separation and become happy and strong persons. The author, psycholo-gist Jens Siedel, presents actual results from years of work as well as recommendations for posi-tive parenting.


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Wir lieben Papa und Mama! - Wie aus Scheidungskindern glückliche und starke Persönlichkeiten werden (Dipl. Psychologe Jens Seidel).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Wir lieben Papa und Mama! - Wie aus Scheidungskindern glückliche und starke Persönlichkeiten werden
  • Автор: Dipl. Psychologe Jens Seidel
  • Категория: Сделай сам
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783955774301