Scandalising the Ton (Diane Gaston).

Предайтесь фантазиям о привлекательных щеголях эпохи Регентства, суровых викингах и необузданных горцах. Окунитесь в мир ярких страстей, роскошных декораций и любви, полыхающей сквозь века.

Кто отец ее ребенка? Леди Вексин, некогда первая красавица высшего света, была оставлена семьей и друзьями, а кредиторы преследуют ее. Скандальная смерть мужа обрекла ее на нищету, и сплетники-журналисты вошли в раж от предположений, когда стало ясно, что вдова беременна. Кто отец? Об этом знает лишь один человек: Эдриан Помрой, виконт Каванли. Он культивировал репутацию развратника, но на самом деле стремится к полезному делу. Хрупкая красавица Лидия Вексин могла бы стать для него интересным и стимулирующим вызовом...

Эта книга, Scandalising The Ton by Diane Gaston, is a romantic historical romance novel set in England at the beginning of the 19th century. It follows the story of Lady Wexun, a beautiful and ambitious socialite, and her husband, the Viscount Cavanaugh, whose reputation as an irresistible ladies' man is severely tested by his own darkest secret.

Wexun is an orphan who was brought up and educated by wealthier relatives, but she uses her beauty and charm to maneuver her way into society's highest circles. An estrangement with her family has pushed Wexun to despair until she discovers she is pregnant. Without support from her family, she is forced to find a way to raise her child alone.

Cavanaugh is also a fallen man with a past of his own. After his wife, Sappho, died giving birth, he became a reckless alcoholic, shunning all forms of responsibility. Their union had become a secret because they lived apart and never visited each other. When one day Cavanaugh attends a ball given by his brother, he finds himself the cynosure of all eyes as Wexun dashes down the stairs – pregnant and determined to claim him as her own.

As the novel spirals into a tempestuous confusing affair, it is filled with wit, scandal, deception, betrayal, love, revenge, and suspense. As Wexun protects herself and her unborn baby, she fights to reclaim her name, status, and self-respect. Meanwhile, Cavanaugh struggles with his conscience, his desire for Wexun and his reluctance to risk losing his only family left, which is his younger sister.


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Scandalising the Ton (Diane  Gaston).

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