Just Like A Cowboy (Delores Fossen).

"Just Like a Cowboy" is an exciting story by Delores Fassen featuring Wynn and Carlene. The book takes us on a journey through the Texas landscape, where Wynn finds himself returning to Wranglers' Creek, a village that has captured his heart since childhood.

Wynn's return is not greeted with joy. His home, which was inherited from his uncle, is split between him and his ex-wife Carlene. She has been living in the ranch for many years now, claiming she does not want Wynn there. However, Wynn refuses to leave, knowing that he is tied to this land.

As the story progresses, we are introduced to some of the key characters, including the ruggedly handsome Wade and the fun-loving best friend and neighbor Jed. Each character brings something unique to the town, and along the way, they create unforgettable moments that will stay with you long after reading the book.

With just a few chapters into the story, the relationship between Wynn and his wife begins to unravel. The strong emotional connection that once existed between them now struggles against the stress of life in the small town - but just as quickly, they rediscover their feelings for each other when faced with a major threat.

Delores Fasse has crafted an engaging story with an unpredictable ending, full of suspense and emotion. An excellent read for anyone who loves western books and loves to get transported into new landscapes. You won't regret your choice to savor this literary pleasure!

Оседлавший как ковбой, Автор: Долорес ФоссенЕсли эта книга еще не знакома вам, вот краткое описание ее:Просто сделай рерайт.Незадачливый ковбой возвращается в Ранджелс-Крик, чтобы попытаться вернуть назад свое ранчо... и завоевать женщину, все еще владелица его сердца.Для Винна Бэка приобретение владений его дяди превратилось в сбывшуюся мечту... до тех пор, пока он не выяснил, что половина имущества принадлежит его бывшей жене Карлин. За те годы, в течение которых она управляется этим местом, она дала понять, что не желает, чтобы Винн к нему приближался. Но Винн чувствует, что между ними все еще существует связь - сильная и незабываемая.Страстный в прошлом брак Винна и Карлин развалился из-за того, что она поняла, что для Винна намного важнее завоевать призовое место в родео, чем пустить корни. Теперь она решает защитить свой дом... и свое все еще чувствительное сердце... купив у Винна его долю акций. Плохо только, что этот мужчина так же упрям, как быки, которых он приручает, и что по соседству от них быстро вспыхивают вновь обжигающие страсти, если повезет с правильным ковбоем.

The Injun at The Wilmonte Hotel" by Lucy GayleMiller is an entertaining novel about a marriage where everyone is multicultural—a white woman, an Indian woman and a black man.​The wife and he have two beautiful children that they enjoy spoiling rottenly.How does this happily ever after lace in with Cherokee culture and traditions? The answer invites fascinating comparisons between the two ends of the spectrum.​Agent of Action" by Nancy Foster Roth, ensures we cannot turn away from crime shows with unfinishedbusinesses and police procedural elements. What differentiates the series from others is that each episode provides the settling of one principal culprit, elevated into a more emblematic final showdown. BookerButler, a hard-edged career criminal and former childless widower with limited interest in law enforcement, enters a lovelorn stint, while looking for Grace, who goes by the moniker "DICU". Networking online with possible concern abounding such muddied afternoons and tasks make investigative leads appear right before his tray, along with eating vessels.We explore mystery seller Anne Geraldine Austin's latest tale,“A Darkness and the Light," a vignette-based, swervesiding caper of love lost, thievery, wrongs sake, justice delivered, and fiddle tunes exchanged between lovers.


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Just Like A Cowboy (Delores Fossen).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Just Like A Cowboy
  • Автор: Delores Fossen
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: A Wrangler’s Creek Novel
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474069489