Ашли Оррик готова была защищать своего сына любой ценой. Но избежать ее всемогущего бывшего, у которого казалось, что бесконечные ресурсы почти невозможно обойти, было одно, а оторваться от Виктории Колби-Кэмп и ее исключительных агентов – другое. Кит Деверс наконец-то сделал переход от аналитика к следователю, только чтобы оказаться перед конфликтом интересов. Что-то не сходилось с Ашли. Были ли это ее длинные алые волосы или изумрудные глаза...? Больше того, это была ее материнская ярость, заставившая Кита нарушить все правила. Потому что с этим наследием пришла более дорогая цена. Но убежать от опасности могло отвести их только насколько далеко от того, чего они не могли избежать – неуправляемых страстей.

Книга "The Hidden Heir" by Debra Webb. If this is not something you are familiar with, here's a synopsis of the plot:

Ashley Orrick will do anything to protect her son, but evading her powerful ex-husband, with all his seemingly endless resources, is one thing – rocking the boat for Victoria Colby-Capm and her extraordinary agents, is something else.

Keith Devers finally made the jump from analyst to detective only to find himself facing a conflict of interests. Something just didn't seem right about Ashley. Maybe it was her luxuriant scarlet tresses or deep emerald green eyes... On top of it, her motherly ferocity provoked Keith to break all the conventions.

Because, as it turns out, dealing with her entropy was the kick in the rear that sent them hurtling toward something more challenging than опасные chase - an attraction that took them into running wild.

The Hidden Heiress Debra Webb Ashley Orrick didn’t like people messing with her son. The last thing she needed was someone determined to find something hiding under fingernails when they ’ d been chemistry teachers a week before. Still, if her houseguest ( who wasn ’ t really stopping by while she negotiated ) wanted to big up the car, then that was it. She forgot financial aid information after a couple of martinis. Louise and Stacy knew that Victoria Colby Camp needed their help. They thought the police were dense and dishonest. All they they had to do was shake Victoria, and the big agency gave up because they just couldn ’ t figure it out.


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The Hidden Heir (Debra  Webb).

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