"Whirlwind Wedding" - роман о жизни Кэтрин Доннели, которая приехала в городок Уайрвинд, чтобы присмотреть за своим непокорным братом. Но она не ожидала, что ей придется спасать мужчину, который не верил в невиновность ее брата и почти умер на ее пороге. Когда Техасский Рейнджер выздоравливал в ее постели, Кэтрин поняла, что Джерико Блю - это тот единственный мужчина, который может спасти ее и сделать ее женщиной, кем она всегда хотела быть.

Джерико молился, чтобы Кэтрин не имела ничего общего с нападением, которое почти стоило ему жизни. Когда он поймал злоумышленников, он знал, что единственный способ утолить страсть, которую вызывала в нем Кэтрин, будет сделать невинную соблазнительницу своей женой.

Whirlwind Journal by Debra Cowan.

Whirlwind's title character, Cathy Donnelly, the daughter of a United States Air Force officer, rescues the intrepid and handsome Texas Ranger Jericho on the cornfield outside a small Texas town. It turns out that she is the niece of Tom Manning who hires the cattleman to take care of his brother Michael.\nThe plan was well-crafted – Cathy can pacify the middle-aged man and, in the best interest of Michael the immovable object decides to save his life.\nGearing up to a collision course, Jeremy is impressed by the lovely drifter although he doubts her work ethic and her ability to control her feisty eleven-year-old broth who has snuck off into the barn.\nBut despite his misgivings, Jeremy finds himself warming up to the unusual family on their farm.\nThey give a meal and a warm bed even serve cracked eggs and lamb chops prepared the way Jeremy ate them back home in South Texas.\nAnd that warmth of home cooked meals won Jeremy\'s affections.\nCathy treats them as family and the early warnings from Jericho\'s younger brother Ingram are that there\'re numerous people from afar trying to track them down.\nSlowly Jeremy suspects that Cathy was the target of a mob crime and if not suffocated herself would be considered liable for the deaths of several cattle that were involved in the bloody lynch dunce.\nDespite their rakish lifestyle Jericho isn\'t a killer for he knows the heart strings of love that is possible to lure others.\nDuring his recovery every chance to visit Cathy he took and slowly realized that he indeed did care about her.\nThese visits continued until one night that turned their luck upside down when the dark pair returned after a fine day with the stolen cattle.\nJeremy followed them and witnessed the ugly confessions and criminal actions that led to those killers being restrained and locked up by Pawnee County Sheriff Dave Westin and his men.\nNow the absence of angles worshipped by alternate universe Jeremy and Jericho seem unable to get him to fully accept the girl who saved his life and allowed him to stay at her Tweed


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Whirlwind Wedding (Debra  Cowan).

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