Mai Sfidare Una Volpina (Dawn Brower).

*"Mai Sfidare una Volpina", Автор: Дун Брауер*, является английской книгой, которая рассказывает историю леди Вильгельмины Неверхартт, которая оказывается в отчаянной ситуации и единственный способ выбраться - это замужество по расчету с старым герцогом. Однако, когда герцог умирает и его наследник становится наследником титула, все меняется: что может быть преимуществом или недостатком зависит от того, как герои реагируют. Что должна делать беспомощная девушка, потерявшая своих родителей и оставшаяся с младшими братьями без средств к существованию?. Для леди Вильгельзины Неверхарт это означает

Wilma Netherlandsriska giving her all to save her sisters from poverty. When their widowed father dies, the inheritance is taken away - leaving Wilma and three siblings even more penniless. But that's when she makes the heart-breaking decision to become the prize of a marriage of convenience - as the payment for her sister's educations. Wilma must marry William Messing - a grumpy Duke older than her by several decades who marches into town and promptly marries her. His recent widowhood has left the poor man lonely, it seems, and her presence appeases his desires. Within the first night, he is dead. Unfortunately, also leaving much wealth to his legitimate heir, her new Duke is Zachary Frome - the scantily-clad, whip-wielding boy that drove all the townspeople to near insanity. Despite finding him tormentingly attractive, Wilma can't spare any time trying to unseal the mystery of the sinister Minstrel Rossador - but her new husband won't let this stand in the way. Hiding behind a regal demeanor, Frome stalks her like a lioness its prey, hot on its trail with every intention of making her falling in love with him an easy affair, only to disillusion her completely. Only a temporary solution will be enough to prop their quarrelsome tongues toward peace - but they two are too different, and that could complicate things.


#современная зарубежная литература

Mai Sfidare Una Volpina (Dawn Brower).

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