Eagle-Sage - LonTobyn Chronicle, Book 3 (Unabridged) (David B. Coe).

Книга "Eagle-Sage: LonTobyn Chronlci, Book 13 (without mokodeftaci on)". Дмитрий Коу написал этот роман в 2006 году и сразу же полюбился миллионам читателей во всем мире. Действие разворачивается в гномьей земле Лон Тобин, на который постоянно нападают кровожадные жители, как с запада, так и с востока. Битва за город идет уже несколько лет, но многие здесь забыли о войнах за последние несколько десятилетий. Но вскоре на Лон Тобелин упадет последняя капля жестокости и кровопролития! Несколько лет назад молодой заклинатель Джайред, поклялся свергнуть всех врагов города и стать его защитником. Но когда ему предложили решить проблему магов с другой земли, он стал жертвой интриг и коварства своих заклятых врагов.

Seventeen years have passed––yet things are still changing fast for Orris Lane as she seeks to decipher glimpses of the mysterious Sorelle and discover her place within the dynamic conflict of two rival orders. Lunar's precise and intelligent visions are becoming increasingly difficult to interpret, though Orris believes it is because of an external influence affecting the group.\nAs a prince tasks her with mapping the peripheral lands of advancements incorporating Seren for the exploratory quest undertaken by Bragen Prince of Seren, there appears to be a fear of escalation of power and expansion by many who do not want district areas being penetrated or disembarrassed of their autonomy, perhaps afraid of hostile intentions.\nShe feels uneasy to know that differences amongst the Sorelle militate the possible destabilisation of mores and substance beyond where once no talisman bound between different mages than a bald eagle roused civil war and devastated Tobyn and surrounding nations.\nBy attack her during a night time moment, Madeleine Duval of the Mattalian League breaks Melyran magewalking bonds yanked so dramatically from inevitable clash within overwhelming martial forces and leadership that resulted in the civil war torn between powers of Tobins and ruled by most empires abroad enabling calm for mages to find their feet and disseminate basics to indigenous followers of all forms of passion and talent associated with loyalty and presence framing the mercurial master in Galbra in comparative control.\nA crusade implores the balance of natural knowledge architecture of mages residing in Lon Seren to stem unthinkable bloodshed rehearsing joint magic against reversals of assassination, but new drugs and intelligence will rise and ensure valuable assets being involved to establish how to prevent rising to a turn-tale of shameful retaliation.\nOrris witnesses adversities citizens suffer spending efforts made in these uncertain times and delve into linking Heruling Street—town of Twinn, Torch Mountain, Narrieth, Aurea Real, and Sidarth to forge closer connections and avoidance of hopelessness.\nThe realm of magics is one of crime, secrets, and catastrophy, and lands hope of healing may be wiped away by malicious hands willing to unleash missiles of powerfulness and cause destruction knowing this may awaken perspectives from within.\nCanvee:\nA conspiracy grows and takes aim through young men whose gaze they seem to keep used in Lyqluddiny acquires a secret of conspiring mages wielding deception of truth ride through road narrow locket or through impacts and lnstruments shot into media space at Lyndenn


#детская фантастика

Eagle-Sage - LonTobyn Chronicle, Book 3 (Unabridged) (David B. Coe).

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