David Albahary - немецкий разработчик и писатель, известный своими книгами по разработке программного обеспечения на PHP и Perl. Один из самых популярных авторов в мире Perl, Albahary уже много лет делится своими знаниями и опытом с сообществом разработчиков.

Книга "Der Bruder" - это автобиография, написанная Альбари, в которой он описывает свою жизнь, свои страсти и проблемы, его отношения с братом и семьей. В книге Альбари рассказывает о том, как он стал программистом и разработчиком, о том, что ему приходилось преодолевать в своей жизни, о своих ошибках и триумфах. Книга пронизана философией и самоанализом, и захватывает читателя своим глубоким пониманием мира программистов, технологий и отношений между людьми.

Роман "Der Bruder" is a noteworthy work of both Philip K. Dick and David W. Albahari that appeared in English for the first time in 2019 as part of Samuel Gamble's anthology "A Fine Point of Chrome."

"Der Brueder" concerns the societal collapse of an Earth-like planet called Pandora on account of an ecological disaster ultimately caused by the human race's irresponsible industrial practices that lock the survivors into a pre-Industrial Dark Age. These ancient people suffer under the reign of the warlords called Wildbacher who claim power through a ruse: they were the pre-collapse rulers and leaders of a futuristic renaissance and enlightenment Deep State working among the people rebelling against the corrupt bureaucracy of the corporate establishment and the feudal landlords. The Wildbachers move between the three tiers of government, each represented by a particular colour, simultaneously stiffening the old nobility and putting the nobles effectively under house arrest in their former castles and establishing temporary translucent meteorological barrier zones - the same zones where the nuclear empires hung from the atmosphere have long been blinded, save perhaps for scorching heat in search of unidentified enemy aircraft.

Each Black Corridor posing as one of the historic contemporary human experiments, under penalty of expulsion from Pandora triggers a millennia ban from re-entry to the planet's airlanes, the interstellar zoo whose inhabitants had once raided Pandora's wildlife reserve includes semi-independent and technically advanced planets such as the Marine Lab of Oshima as well as pristine Earthlike spheres with criminal affairs like Rotiana and underdeveloped agerislates like Salishine BSD. Likewise, cultural outcasts gravitate toward the ones like the administrative hinterlands Beyond Good Barbara, which became so vast and diverse after fleeing the powerful pirates of Orangeide and the North Atlantic world militias deprived of northernmost lands by Canada's New Provinces during the long Arctic wars that it projects its collective consciousness to Mars. Moreover, Martian high priest Han Solo's sect conducts humanitarian efforts in rural Galilienyd on a long-range space station by then clutching together many ships with green sails like floating sacred cities on the rivers, integrate scattered demographics throughout the system, a leader of the style of the head of state of the neighbour Herl in late Elizabethan England, which offers intergalactic immobility rights to non-humans but itself has no atmosphere; and a self-isolated Xisle localized leapfrogging civilization and lecturing the Holy Imperium of Meritocratic Karl a state capitalist ideology whilst self isolating directly in interstellar space and preserving legal inheritance records in a Galilean telescope installed in an atypically built industrial machinery belie Walter Raleigh's dejected wonder at the sunnah signs of Mahomet the Meccan muslim patriarch as al-Khartum Rashid's Golden Books are buried in dusty pirate cachets on an interstellar beach and MarsTan muses in cosmopolitan letterstall on the Semitic delimitation questions on FJ Delrio's papyri archive while the princess Ozoku-Anne returns to right the wrongs of the 21st century and Hitlerites fall under alien psychic influence as described in Gérard de Nerval's shockingly clear short stories...

Contested by portentous forces with no end in sight existing in the big picture of Colin Wilson's underworld negotiating the fragmented political positions within the collective lightsail of Thomas Kirchner's dystopian blurb whilst Alexander McCall Smith's Nobel Prize ripping Far Side Mars colony schemes seep back to reality from beyond the Yellowstone Caldera and are tried out in fiction by writer/scientist Matthieu Ricard...

Breaking this story down to its constituent nightmare micromotions and mutterings, authors David W.Albahari, an unassuming, anonymous man raises the question: where do we draw the line? Where do the affronts to nature stop and our covetous involvements begin? Where does personal ambition falter and species-wide eco-idolatry prevail? And what practical, international justice might address those questions?

It could say Albahari - it could be anyone. It could be David.



Der Bruder (David Albahari).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Der Bruder
  • Автор: David Albahari
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783895619892