A Splendid Future (Daniele Lippi).

"A Splendid Future" is the second novel by Daniele Lippiz, released in 2019. The plot is set in Italy in the future, although the description of the society reminds me of one of Anthony Powell's more dystopian science fiction novels.

The protagonist, Alfred (and the name as well is likely thought-provoking), is a young man living in a seemingly normal future. He meets a stranger who promises him an opportunity to travel to far-off lands and offers to exchange his money for transport services. Alfred jumps at the opportunity, hopeful of a new start where his talents can be properly appreciated and his circumstances changed for the better.

However, when he returns, things are not at all as he imagined, leading him to eventually begin questioning not only his destiny but also his place in society. This leads to personal growth, though it might not be obvious at first glance.


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A Splendid Future (Daniele Lippi).

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