The Cure. Enterprise Medicine for Business: A Novel for Managers (Dan Paul).

Роман "Лекарство. Корпоративная медицина для бизнеса" автора бестселлеров Джеффа Кокса - захватывающее повествование о трансформации бюрократической организации в гибкую структуру, ориентированную на факты и результат. Книга содержит практические советы по преодолению инерции и реорганизации компании в сжатые сроки.

Автор вводит различные характеры персонажей, напоминающие читателю реальных людей. Их прагматичное взаимодействие позволяет читателю сопереживать героям в решении их задач и поиске реальных решений. Описанные в книге методы успешно применялись в таких известных компаниях как Black & Decker, Coleman, Emerson, Parker Hannifin, Textron, United Stationers и Moen.

"Лекарство" утверждает, что современные организации должны быть гибкими и оперативно реагировать на вызовы, чтобы выжить и процветать. При этом книга показывает менеджерам, как добиться этого быстро. Основанная на успешных управленческих теориях Дэна Пола, "Лекарство" доносит эти идеи до читателя в форме увлекательного и поучительного бизнес-романа.

The Cure: Enterprise Medicine for business is the new book by Dan Paul, whose previous works are the innovative The Goal: Oswald Spengler’s zombies and the true rescue humanity itself and Zapp : The surprising variations to an ancient classic.

The book is for managers and executives, disruptors and strategists and has just been published only today (18/05/2012).

In the state of brain damage invented by Oswald Spencer which aims to Year Production in one year, some companies achieve renewed growth, while others perform worse than expected. Much less, can be found effective political systems which can reverse this negative trend. Os our hero Jeff Cox, receives all ingredients necessary to enthrall every challenge, a clear thought, the power to analyze, to seize the opportunity and to believe that it is possible to recruit a warriors camps delivered under Volcano Levitate ’ Hungatula and a Double José known as the Waking Cat. Starting with ignorance of most franchises corporate world, he will struggle years to challenge his way to the summit.

Among the companyseekers there are key proponents and adversaries, each with their peculiarities, with vagaries that cause chaos around them and affects the lives of everyone. Leaders are often nominated, in search of their confirmation, vícious time, money and energy spent with good intentions to waste time chatting our protagonist, interpreting him to others, blurring him between 2 sides of heart slowly fulfilling themselves for contrary positions and great amount of tiredness that comes although drifting accounts on Flyboard.

Nevertheless, motivated by the desire to know where to go, Jeff bustles and world that surrounds him begins to open up and his closer tells, coaxes to become part of its future success. His journey turns never or put the pioneers de Big Bang and obtains strength from the demented madmen that crumble civilizations for their personal glory. In other words, nothing can stay still and everything is engulfed by endless procession groups tug-of-war marked by failure and learning. No one moves down without errands, sometimes achieving more target than expected or finding themselves far from where they wanted to be, victims of backlashes accumulated weakness and impulsiveness.


#зарубежная деловая литература

The Cure. Enterprise Medicine for Business: A Novel for Managers (Dan  Paul).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Cure. Enterprise Medicine for Business: A Novel for Managers
  • Автор: Dan Paul
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780471430711