Книга "Те Ланд" немецкого писателя Cyriel Buyssе представляет собой детективный роман, в котором главный герой, успешный бизнесмен, теряет память и начинает свою жизнь заново с момента своей смерти. В начале книги он попадает в случайную аварию и теряет все воспоминания о своей прошлой жизни, но затем обстоятельства складываются так, что он начинает переживать трагические события своей прежней жизни снова и снова.

Сюжет крутится вокруг Даниэля, который решил погрузиться в свое прошлое, чтобы понять причины его жизни после аварии. Он вовлекает себя в события, которые не видел своими глазами десятки раз, переживая эмоции и чувства, которые были у него в тот момент. Дэниэль получает возможность участвовать в тех событиях, которые уже завершены, и наблюдать за действиями других персонажей уже после них.

Telande (1980) is a novel that tells the story of a young black man from a small town in South Africa in the late 1970s.\nThe main character, who goes by the name Nelly in the novel, is an illiterate, passionate and ambitious guy.\nSoon after the discovery of diamonds in his little community he enters politics, due to political views – which actually don't change a bit throughout the whole narrative.\nNelly goes to Bredasdorp on a motorcycle and meets a variety of people there: a policeman, a doctor, a lawyer, a fugitive, drifter Ashwell, the idealistic, but boring Rev.\nDumela, several Swedes, and a psychiatric patient whom he discovers in an abandoned police station.\nThere are pictures of ants in a tribe that have just locked up their weapons after murdering an ant queen.\nThey come back to tell all the other ants to lie down on the ground and lie there for a few hours.\nNobody knows what it means to do this.\nAfter the ant dies – which was easy for everybody to see, but they were too embarrassed to enquire what they were even doing – the ants wait on the floor with the dead queen stretched out directly in front of them.\nSuddenly, without any discussion and merely because all these giant ants were terrified, everybody followed the example of the first ant and fell onto the floor.\nFor many insects, especially larger ones, this behavior can be extremely puzzling.\nAll the author needed to explain it was that insects like ants reproduce a certain way that involves the castration and lying – obviously in order to impress females and let them know it was no good waiting for the old guy to come round.\nThey even erect a post erecting a mound with fertilizer, as if sex itself needed ceremony.\nMeanwhile, Ashwell decides to fathom the reason behind the destruction of his former life: the theft of his bike and the rape of Margie, his girlfriend.\nHe tracks down the perpetrators and it happens that the only people who knew of Ashwell's sexual escapades and the threats to Margie and her family.\nDuring the robbery some friends approach Ashwell in the local bar and amongst their talk, Ashwell finds out who assailed his lover the night before his abduction.\nShortly before F Samukelisa discovered that his little brother had changed into a girl.\nAshwell travelled so that the boy follows suit."


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Te Lande (Cyriel Buysse).

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