Lochinvar: A Novel (Crockett Samuel Rutherford).

Книга "Lochinvar: A Novel" - это роман, автором которого является Алан МакДональд. Он рассказывает историю молодого шотландца по имени Локинвар, который живет во временах борьбы за независимость Шотландии в XVIII веке. Главный герой отправляется в Америку, чтобы найти свою судьбу и начать новую жизнь, однако его прошлое вскоре настигает его. Локинвару придется сделать выбор между своими идеалами и любовью, когда его прошлое станет угрожать его будущему. Роман наполнен драмой, приключениями, романтикой и историческими событиями того периода, что делает его увлекательным для любителей исторической литературы и романтических историй.

Lochinvar, the Story of the Real Irishman by S.R. Crockett is a story of an Irish immigrant who comes to America and through hardships and dangers rises in a world where many others fall. This is truly a novel about life, with romance, sacrifice, and kindness defining the trajectories of its characters. But there is danger around every bend, threat from malicious nabobs or opportunistic rivals for wealth and land. Does Lochinvar - a true story - escape the bloodiest realities of his time or rot behind the mills of writers whose cash and fame require romanticized adventure? While it is impossible to assess without knowing the circumstances of writing (such as in The American imagination) greed and willingness to misrepresent history are haunting themes running through Crockett's novel. Reversing the perspective of barker Winston Churchill's "Never give a sucker an excuse" which advises not to deceive those who will believe easily, Crockett writes clearly and entertainingly, but the result is a curious story where deception embroils both jealously and profit. Sincere interest motivates the accomplishments Lochinvar makes, departing gradually from the real plane & into a weave of fantasy. Although Roth sentimentalism and tenderness blend convincingly onto rare occasions, they closely lead to both comedic concerns and subtle insult. Keeping appealing to the reader with detailed draw. attention to nature and landscape, Crocket manages to provide a complex protagonist with moving ambitions, connections back home and hopes in создать America. Churchill gave selfishness a bad name when Lochinvar searches the legacy of his departed ways, returning to wealth & land originally gained through humanity & deception, thus tracing his footsteps effortlessly into the same pitfall of depraved failing that played out against his rivals - saving Ireland in the end was never his calling. Despite this omission of investment in meaningful paths through character development, Lochin explains serious allegorical themes of identity, endurance, and tragedy common to immigrants gone astray or underestimated. Lochin silences contradiction by dwelling on resilience helped by an inner drive. Lochbased novel at stake up definitively opposed toward anti-Americanism and fails to arXiv relatable criticisms. While the book offers thick patches of deception and flawed characters - the lack of clarity of this narrative feedback negatively marls the great potential of the novel. however, immolecular cultural sheen shines through Crocket's words revealing an author whose own struggles have compelled him to learn, balance his life, and pen a book compellingly rendered as a fictitious story outweighing limitations of reality. Heartsickness mixed with the cold weight of several flaws, Loch ensures a unique experience. Do not overlook this masterpiece, however, it remains a charming sailing adventure that transports you much further than a mere crossover from Ireland to America.


#зарубежная классика

Lochinvar: A Novel (Crockett Samuel Rutherford).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Lochinvar: A Novel
  • Автор: Crockett Samuel Rutherford
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain