Regulation of Cell Metabolism (CIBA Foundation Symposium).

Книга "Regulation of Cell Metabolism" от авторов CIBA Foundation Симпозиума рассматривает механизмы регуляции метаболизма клетки. Если Вы еще не знакомы с этой книгой, я попробую описать ее содержание.

В собрании Novartis Symposia серии Foundation представлены доклады ведущих ученых со всего мира из различных научных областей - биологии, химии и медицины. CIBA или Novartis - основатель Novartis Foudation - широко известен среди ученых и врачей во всем мире.

This volume contains the papers presented at the 32nd Ciba Symposium held in Basel in 1957, dedicated to one of the major themes of contemporary cell biology: the control of cellular metabolism. It includes contributions by leading figures such as Le Dantec, and Voet, who worked on amino-acid metabolism, von Zowief, the originator of the 'control coefficients', Daniel, Schoener and the latter developed the systems aspects of control. Included are recent papers on pyruvate dehydrogenase, transketolase and glycogen-metabolism for glucose breakdown. Control coefficients are discussed by Schild and on ammonia oxidation by Singer. Nearly twenty papers have illustrations, principally photographs, but sometimes as simple as a pictorial representation. But there are nine papers without illustration. Papers included are: Function, Regulation, Metabolism, and Enzyme Action, H. V. Davids; Malonyl Coenzyme A (Compound I), its Condensation Products with Acyl Coa, their Control Coefficients, and 'Indirect Control' of Acyl CoA anabolism, Marcel Danile; Biochemical Control of Amino Acid Metabolism in Liver, Extra-Hepatic Tissues, and Muscle by the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex, Jacques Le Dantche'; Metabolic Effects and Regulation of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase, Willem Alberti; Studies for Malate: Oxoglutarate Exchange in Murine Isolated Skeletal Muscle, Michael J. Bennett; Effect of Orotic Acid, Aminonucleoside, And Alanyl-Glutamine on Leukocyte Corynephine Level During Developmental Life Of Rats And Growth Of Ehrlich Tumors, Xavier Delacy, Adolfo Peacocke, Edy Lentaigne; Regulation Of Glycolysis By Carbohydrate and Ketone Body Concentrations In Vivo, Robert Eisenman, Jacob Vogel; Occurrence And Pathways Of Metabolism of Pyruvic Acid, Glyconeogenic Precursors and Lactate in Veal Muscle In Vigorous Gestation, Edith Niebuhr; On The Regulation Of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase and Malate Synthase During Segmental Anoxia In The Rats' Liver, Per Einar Lundborg; Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase and Its Regulation: An Organismal Story, Helene Drobecq, Claude Juti; Physiological Consequences and Hormonal Regulation of Glycolysis III. Reactions Involving Glucose 6-Phosphate At Interorgan Levels Of Metabolism, Virginia Vandever, Sandra A. Horning, Howard L. Moses; The Mechanism of Benzoyl Coenzyme A and Propane-1,2-Diol And Their Control Coeffients in Rat-Liver Microsomes, et Wilhelm Stoffel; Animal Metabolism When Corn Is Contaminated with Morantel Tartrate, M. W. Muller, N. Kimbel, L. Bosley, R. Hilfiker, B. Kniep, P. J. Schmidt; Metabolism of Insulin-Containing Locust Moults, Previously Collected, Compared with Insulin Injected Moulting, Charles F. Stadter, Allan B. Kay; Activity, Stability, Localization, And Regulation Of Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase-I In Rat Kidney Function And Disease, Mary Yun; Degradation Of Phosphoglycerides Without Digestion, George Fisher, Jean Bechtold, Gerald D. Holt; Control Of Glycogen Phosphorylase Subunit Isozymes In Vertebrates, Alan H. T. Marshall, Anthony V. Stott; Studies of The Consequences Of Experimental Acidosis For The Carbodigitate Cycle In Rabbit Liver And Heart, Dorothy F Swaab, et Karl Naunyn.


#научно-популярная литература

Regulation of Cell Metabolism (CIBA Foundation Symposium).

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