Enzymes in OrganicSynthesis (CIBA Foundation Symposium).

Серия изданий Фонда Новартис - это популярная коллекция материалов симпозиумов Фонда Новартис, на которых ведущие ученые из различных областей биологии, химии и медицины собирались для представления докладов и обсуждения результатов. Фонд Новартис, изначально известный как Фонд Ciba, хорошо известен ученым и врачам по всему миру. В этом томе рассматривается использование ферментов в органическом синтезе. Обсуждаются такие темы, как применение оксидоредуктаз, трансфераз, гидролаз и лиаз в синтезе органических соединений и лекарственных препаратов. Особое внимание уделено использованию ферментов для асимметрического синтеза оптически активных соединений. Книга предназначена для специалистов в области органической химии, биотехнологии и фармацевтики.

Enzymes In Organic Synthesis, Organized and Edited by Jan S. Linden, is based on the twenty-first symposium held at Montreux, Switzerland, on June 24th and 25th , 1959, as a result of the generosity of CIBA Limited. The proceedings are in two parts. This first, containing 8 chapters addressing classification, properties, biogenetic aspects and industrial uses of enzymes in organic synthesis, covers new developments and regulation techniques of enzymes, and reviews current types of "platters" for enzyme catalysis. Various aspects like processes, selection, modification and applications of some recently discovered mutants and hybrids of actinomyces are also presented. There is included a stimulating discussion on bonds and their stability throughout protein catalysts. Contributors proceed with revealing novel or conventional supplements available for said design alterations, impressing upon the importance of these modified enzymes as "future laboratory auxiliaries." These chapters feature enlightening perspectives on relatively new, data-rich information resulting in productive catalysts for the industrial sector. With formulations on core strategy for distinctions among exogenous, endogenous and non-proteinaceous enzymes are revealed. Chapters additionally delve into many clear, familiar or newly discovered catalysts that are active in the organic synthetical industry. Key features of spherical immunity and tryptic systems, chloroperoxidase, superoxide dismutase and lyzozyme are likewise addressed. Each text outlines technical trick up-sides developed for exploiting these substances in petrochemical industries where they surpass purely mechanistic means. Literature citations for diverse examples range from yeast methanol dehydrogenase under study for decades past to a number of unconventional mutants for hyper polymerization have been emphasized for providing definite additions to innovation emphasis. Parting remarks on industrial importance and scientific current of the addition of new information on enzymes and currents considerations on utilization require honest merit. Follow-up needs within popular domains of more well-rounded purity, enclosure of broad array and conceivable financial products demand additional reflectiveness and continued endeavor in application. Finally, a chapter, discussing enzyme control, concerns the historical comparisons between self-limitation through a negative feedback loop and runaway problem. According to one expert, it has been harder to control process variables than to develop process chemistries.


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Enzymes in OrganicSynthesis (CIBA Foundation Symposium).

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