The Good Life of Teaching. An Ethics of Professional Practice (Chris Higgins).

Книга "Хорошая жизнь преподавания. Этика профессиональной практики" расширяет новое возрождение этики добродетелей на профессиональную этику и философию преподавания. Она связывает давние философские вопросы о работе и человеческом росте с вопросами о мотивации, идентичности и развитии преподавателя. Книга вносит значительный вклад в философию преподавания, а также предлагает новые идеи в области этики добродетелей и профессиональной этики. Она дает свежие и детальные исследования ведущих фигур в этике, таких как Аласдер Макинтайр, Чарльз Тейлор и Бернард Уильямс, а также практических философий Ханны Арендт, Джона Дьюи и Ханс-Георга Гадамера. Книга представляет иллюстрации, чтобы помочь читателю наглядно представить основные моменты, и интегрирует источники, такие как кино, литература и мемуары преподавания, чтобы проиллюстрировать свои аргументы доступным и увлекательным способом. Она представляет привлекательное видение преподавания как отражающей практики, показывая, что для этого нам необходимо готовить преподавателей по-другому.

This book takes yet another turn in the recently resurgent movement of virtue ethics (which includes Marcus, Aristippus, Bentham, Kant, Frank, Scheff) to see teaching as not only moral, but ethical. Throughout the book, Higgins continually ties issues of morality to teaching philosophy and therefore to attitudes to teaching, understanding self, student, classroom dynamics and other such matters.

Having connections with old philosophical theories such as Existentialism, Phenomenology, Confucianism or Marxism-Leninism will make sense only if the historical, political, social and economic contexts within which teaching takes place are understood. As the title suggests, the central proposition is that an analysis of the goodness of a teaching enterprise does not end where virtue ethics comes to its natural conclusion; its next steps become serious engagements with professional practices - these prose engagements then return to the principal virtue capacities that we all want and need (prudence, courage, justice).

This investigated treatment details how virtues such as temperance, prudence, fortitude, insight are crucial for developing just classes, or for developing one's teaching materials in the best possible way and illuminates the vital difference, even opposition between noble integrity as it applies to life, soul, teaching philosophy, and industrial capitalism. The moral duty to communicate learning, the virtue of truth-telling, which comes as one commits to Kalevala teaching for example, are inextricably entwined - geopolitically inescapable too.

The questions remain how effectively theory can be made relevant to practice and how interventions, involving such practices as hermeneutics, close reading, reflective essay writing and cycle theory, can serve teaching pedagogies much more efficiently. This proposition gives us the opportunity to explore the darkness of ideology and politics, both local and beyond. Many contributing authors (MacIntyre, Taylor, Williams) touch on issues such as good faith, open secret, process, criticism and democracy. Concepts such as "good," "bad," and "right" are not as simple as they often appear to be, but their examination moves us to substantially re-assess our relationship to what counts as a project of love, what we love, and what is worth doing on a daily basis to become a "better" teacher.

Chris Higgins's book The Good Life Of Teaching: An Ethics Of Professional Practice extends the recent resurgence of virtue ethics into professional ethics and philosophy of teaching, bringing together established philosophical problems about work and personal development with a focus on teacher motivation and identity as well as development. This book makes a major contribution to philosophy of education and also adds new nuances to virtue ethics and professional ethos. Higgins also offers insightful and insightful readings from essential figures in the field of ethics, such as Alasdair McIntyre, Henri Taylor, Bernard Williams, and several important contemporary authors such as Hannah Arendt and John Dewey. Higgins goes on to present vivid illustrations that help illustrate the main concepts of the text, weaving together sources such as cinema, literary, and teaching is able to apply these arguments within an enjoyable and approachable format. The text dedicates itself to explaining teaching practice from the perspective of reflection—what this implies for preparing teachers and potentially changing their outlook on the profession itself.


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The Good Life of Teaching. An Ethics of Professional Practice (Chris  Higgins).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Good Life of Teaching. An Ethics of Professional Practice
  • Автор: Chris Higgins
  • Категория: Зарубежная образовательная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781444346503