Patsy Carroll Under Southern Skies (Chase Josephine).

Книга "Patsy Carlton Under Southern Skies" ("Патси Карлтон под южным небом") - это сборник рассказов, написанных Джозефиной Чейз и призванный показать жизнь в южных штатах США. Повествование происходит от лица 17-летней Патси Карлтон, юной девушки, которая приехала в Атланту, чтобы попробовать стать актрисой. В книге представлены различные стороны жизни подростков, их отношения с родителями, друзьями, одноклассниками и другими людьми.

Рассказы касаются различных тем, включая любовь, дружбу, ревность, семейное счастье и т.д. Они написаны простым языком, благодаря чему легко читаются и затягивают читателя в свою атмосферу. Особую популярность получил рассказ "Blind Right Pass", который показывает, как опасно скрывать свои чувства и быть неуверенным в себе.

This memoir covers the author's life under the stale sun of rural Arkansas from mid-August 1910 through most of June 1942. A girl from Strong's Ford comes to Mississippi, having followed her older brother Turner, who has remunerative work boarding and cherming mules on a lumber camp in northeastern Mississippi; he dies at age ten of diphtheria. The younger Chase, the future author, was apprenticed to a carpenter on a houseboat after striking out on her own as an independent boarding existuary. Divorced from her small child, she moves to Hernando County, Mississippi, to catalog the estate of her dead brother's owner and hopes of making money from antiques stored on the unenclosed impounded cellar-warehouse of the home. By this point, Chase meets, married, and keeps, a man named Richard Curington whom she identifies briefly as wealthy, considered attractive, and abusive. She confides his dark secrets to her so called first cousin, Renee...that he sways boats. That he abuses and even robs a fellow seaman. After two years, Chase runs - leaving both her messed father and separation, and giving birth in late autumn 1924 to a baby boy named Lenny Joseph, originally Julian Curington. Chase returns to the strong sun of her homeland of Arkansas, where she stays with her mother and eventually marries for a second time. The book is sprinkled with the joys of courtship, infidelities, failed home life, husbands, extended family, race and religious revelation. It is told in first person diary-form conversations, but also contains whole chapters autobiography, poetry, song lyrics ("The Dear Mighty Storm"), and direct quotations that mix fact and fiction ... and the fervent romantic yearnings of a girl searching for a place under the sun to belong to and belong, alone and fully, to being female. Could be a good thing for all them, I'm just sayin....on her way elsewhere anyway which you'd know....


#зарубежная классика

Patsy Carroll Under Southern Skies (Chase Josephine).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Patsy Carroll Under Southern Skies
  • Автор: Chase Josephine
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain