A Tale of Two Cities (Unabridged) (Чарльз Диккенс).

"A Tale of Two Cities" is a classic novel by Charles Dickens, a master of storytelling and characterization. The story follows a pair of brothers who find themselves in opposite situations after a major event changes their lives. Philippe Robin is a young shopkeeper from Paris who is falsely accused of stealing some jewels and sentenced to prison. Meanwhile, Clarence Darling is a lawyer living in London who opposes the French Revolution and is being forced into exile. Through a series of adventures and encounters, the two brothers must overcome obstacles to find their way back to each other, despite their differences in views and goals.

The book not only depicts the struggles and fears of human beings in turbulent times but also highlights the importance of family and moral values. It offers a compelling tale of how one's destiny can be influenced by others, and how even seemingly insignificant events can have profound consequences. For those who are interested in a timeless story that explores the connections between different worlds, this book will not disappoint.


#зарубежная классика

A Tale of Two Cities (Unabridged) (Чарльз Диккенс).

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