The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin).

Издательство HarperCollins гордится представить новую линейку самых любимых, культовых классических произведений. «Как мимолетны желания и усилия человека! Как коротка его жизнь! И, следовательно, насколько бедны его творения по сравнению с тем, что накопила природа в течение целых геологических эпох».

Эта книга, которая до сих пор считается одной из важнейших и новаторских работ в области науки, бросила вызов большинству укоренившихся убеждений западного мира. Читателям середины 19 века пришлось усомниться в идее Творца, столкнувшись с теориями Дарвина о законах естественного отбора и случайности эволюции. Это вызвало огромные споры в то время. Однако теории Дарвина до сих пор лежат в основе современной биологии.

Publisher's Summary Charles Darwin's landmark theory of intelligent design, as outlined in his seminal 1859 work The Origin of Species remains a valuable resource in the study of biological genetics and influences to this day, particularly in the fields of conservation and environmental impacts. This edition conforms to the current edition of the Cambridge Classical Text, incorporating changes to punctuation, spelling and some reformatting to enhance readability. Despite being dated, these changes are largely trivial compared to the fact that it has retained almost untouched for over 150 years. The opening chapters discuss animal classification and compare man to other forms of life. Darwin suggests that adaptations and variations in organic species are the result of an imperceptible current working within a vast ocean of time and space. Since publishing, Darwin's argument, being that each species in an ecosystem challenges the others to better themselves through an ongoing process of natural selection, has been widely accepted and modified. As fuelled by the publication furore, discoveries have continued to integrate Darwin's findings, such as Freeland and Kasting, who proposed a mechanism demonstrating the Earth's early biological evolution. Lessons Darwin's intellectual impact extends into secular fields, in the form of media-saturated debates over human evolution, biblical issues related to creationism and religious fanatism, medical innovators utilising genetic switch technology and the writing of muggers, according to Daniel Cressey. Packed with illustrations, this edition is deemed suitable for general readers aged 16 and above, who are either looking to get their hands on this much-debated work or bridging the gaps in their knowledge base as it pertains to the unique contribution made by Charles Darwin.


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The Origin of Species (Charles  Darwin).

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