51 Errores Financieros Que Hay Que Evitar A Los Veinte Años. (Charlene Bezos).

Книга "51 Финансовая ошибка, которую необходимо избегать в возрасте до 20 лет" - это мощный справочник для тех, кто стремится достичь финансовой свободы и избежать ошибок во время становления своего финансового будущего.

Автор книги - Чарлин Бьюзос - советует обратить внимание на ошибки, которые совершали молодые

If you're not familiar with this book, know that it offers 51 financial mistakes you should avoid at twenty to ensure a better financial situation in the future. Being in your twenties means you're trying to figure out what your financial life holds while also learning from past experiences to hopefully create a brighter future. Twenty-somethings tend to associate adulthood with excitement, after all, you want everything done and achieved before you hit your thirties.

However, those extra years can turn into expensive mistakes if you don't take them carefully. Thinking you'll create riches overnight can lead to costly decisions that leave a lasting impression on your financial fate. If you want to live a fulfilling and prosperous life, this book has the strategies you need to avoid those mistakes.

The first mistake you must avoid is ignoring retirement. These days, the distance between your current self and an early pension seems much shorter. That makes it easier to forget about the possibility of facing financial difficulties later on. The golden rule is to start saving for retirement right away. You've still got plenty of time to become accustomed to it, but the sooner you start, the lower the risk of coming up short. Your employers offer some assistance to this end, since they may enable you to benefit from a 401K.

I'm sure you remember the days when everybody said to always watch your balance and never exceed your credit limit to avoid incurring debt. That goes for the twenty-somethings of today as well, with the added bonus being that they're even younger. You could easily get into a cycle spent without thinking about future expenses. Taking that advice will keep you financially safe.


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51 Errores Financieros Que Hay Que Evitar A Los Veinte Años. (Charlene Bezos).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: 51 Errores Financieros Que Hay Que Evitar A Los Veinte Años.
  • Автор: Charlene Bezos
  • Категория: Личные финансы
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Spanish
  • Паблишер: Tektime S.r.l.s.
  • ISBN: 9788835432081