In Search of Self: Exploring Student Identity Development. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 166 (Chad Hanson).

Книга "In Search of Self: Exploring Student Identity Development. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 166" посвящена изучению процесса развития личностной, гражданской и профессиональной идентичности у студентов. Авторы, являющиеся учеными из различных областей, предлагают методы, которые могут использоваться персоналом и преподавателями в учебных заведениях для исследования этого процесса. Результаты и идеи, представленные в этой книге, могут помочь в создании подходов, направленных на поощрение роста студентов, а также помочь нам понять, что значит быть студентом и стать выпускником колледжа или университета. Эта книга является 166-м выпуском из серии квартальных отчетов издательства Jossey-Bass под названием "New Directions for Higher Education". Она адресована президентам, вице-президентам, деканам и другим принимающим решения лицам в образовательных учреждениях всех типов и предоставляет своевременную информацию и авторитетные советы по основным вопросам и административным проблемам, с которыми сталкиваются все учреждения.

Joined by a number of experts from various fields, Chad Hanson charts out the process by which university students carve themselves into new individuals, both private and public, as well as into professionals. From leadership development to creating a supportive atmosphere to granting student voice, Hanson's suggestions provide a gentle catalyst for institutional reflection. All academic leaders will find chapters such as "What Makes Students Innovative?" and "Engaging Student Voice" to be intriguing, at least. Yesterday's student freshmen and seniors might become tomorrows' division heads and department chairmen - we owe society at large for ensuring them access to developmental opportunities. Best practices invite reallocation of scarce resources, increasing the odds that students gain desired career trajectories.aided by practical examples, philosophies espoused have the potential to promote campus-wide personal and professional growth. The book aims to promote socially critical thinking. The administrators responsible for designing educational interventions will notice the importance of alignment between theory and praxis - philosophy without practice accomplishes little.\nThis text has always been required reading for me daily. Sotero (1985) did not measure the depth neither is my firm conviction that we can diminish the contemporary student ideation to an individual examining student identity. They are lighthouses pointing the way to discussions of identity formation and the value of multi- academic groups to research the higher education culture and market developments. In summation, by fostering collaborative, student-centred cultural environments in conjunction with diversification of learning experiences, institutions can enrich the ability of today's youth to build into tomorrow's leaders. those pursuing tenure and promotion will actively stress out constructive social interactions that foster intellectual growth among young people. Read it - it'll make you want to change things up a bit.


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In Search of Self: Exploring Student Identity Development. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 166 (Chad  Hanson).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: In Search of Self: Exploring Student Identity Development. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 166
  • Автор: Chad Hanson
  • Категория: Зарубежная образовательная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118915103