“Mountain Shelter” by Cassie Miles is a captivating and suspenseful thriller that takes place in an idyllic mountain community where a talented bodyguard seeks to uncover the truth behind a mysterious kidnapping.

Dylan Timmons is a highly-skilled professional and skilled bodyguard hailing from the gritty world of the East End of London. Subsequently, he hopes to balance both his personal and professional lives. He seeks to impress his new client, the brilliant but reclusive neurosurgeon, Jayne Shuckleford as he begins to understand the nature of her current situation. However, he soon becomes enmeshed in a dangerous web of intrigue and violence that threatens to expose her identity and put her life at risk.

Jayne and Dylan become slowly embroiled in a passionate and intense romance, as well as clash with several characters who are hiding secrets of their own. The actions of one character all lead to a dramatic series of events that forces the two to confront each other and the perils they face, drawing out their interactions and personalities to create a captivating, complex and self-aware portrait of the friends, enemies, and desperate men and women who find themselves caught up in the conflict of the ages.

Throughout “Mountain Shelter”, readers will come face-to-face with some characters they often see played down in thrillers – both leads and adversaries – and soar through the heights of amazing dialogue and engaging storytelling that both entertains and undulates


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Mountain Shelter (Cassie  Miles).

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