Rheinland-Krimi 8: Missbrauchte Macht (Caroline Martin).

Книга "Rheinland-Krimi 8: Missbrauchte Macht" - это восьмая книга в серии детективных романов, которые происходят в немецком регионе Рейнланд. В этой книге следователь Нина Морено и ее напарник Дэвид Штрассер расследуют дело о злоупотреблении властью, которое включает в себя коррупцию и политические интриги. Расследование приводит их к высокопоставленным чиновникам и бизнесменам, которые используют свои связи и деньги, чтобы остаться в безнаказанности. Книга наполнена напряжением и неожиданными поворотами сюжета, которые заставят читателя держать взгляд на страницах до последней главы.

Caroline Martin's "Rheinland-Crime 8 – Exploited Power" stands as another appalling addition to sister-writer's remarkable array of murderers, counterfeiters and drug traffickers masquerading as German authorities.

As it happens, this latest drop in the ongoing series isn't Miss Martin going full-Alistair McIntosh, not with an allegorical plot about international intrigue or a coy riddle to solve whether hot, bubbling South American revolutionaries stole the body of victims of the recent collision in Harburg. Instead, "exploited power" really is an attendant theme that filters through the story in mightily unflattering ways, though it is a colourful social commentary more so than a whizzing thriller at the helm.

The disappearance of a Russian female tourist in Münster leaves Councillor Sandra Müller once more a suspect in homicide investigations. Cut to, however, its being revealed throughout "Exploited Power", mainly thanks to Jackson Halvorsen (né Jojima) who has turned Maria Voronin's business associates from friends into sweary foes even if this doesn't immediately make much sense. Fortunately there are still a few surprises in store for those who put in the effort to wade through masses of courthouse minute-by-minute detail even though it doesn't always significantly modify criticism surrounding television adaptation ambitions. One suspects the author has more to add to the pot though, and the international gravitas interrupted by moments of light love story separation would appeal well in such scenario. With a choice of listening to Outlander's Sarah J Maas or indulging Cora Danvers, solo sleuths tend to get more attention than German detectives, and Caroline Martin unfortunately copes with the distorted lens her characters inhabit quite poorly. It doesn't detract from the series charmlessness, however, and if you're eschewing the BBC series owner Michelle Gomez has reached out to her you'll enjoy an unusual Romané.




Rheinland-Krimi 8: Missbrauchte Macht (Caroline Martin).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Rheinland-Krimi 8: Missbrauchte Macht
  • Автор: Caroline Martin
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Из Серий: Rheinland-Krimi
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783863052904