LUSTQUAL (The Lustful Double) is the story of two young girls who find comfort in each other while they struggle to escape their abusive situation.

The first book follows the story of Susanne, a priestess in a convent, who has come into contact with Camilla, a young novice, suffering from her own abusive mother's oppression. Together, they form an unlikely friendship as they explore their desires and escape through their love for each other. As they navigate through the complexities of the convent system, the abuse they suffer begins to take its toll on them both as their friendships are tested by unexpected realities.

In LUSTQUAL: My Neighbor, My Mistress and I (Das erotische Doppelbuch) the reader gets a glimpse into Camilla's life outside the walls of the Convent. In a secluded house, the fragile Camilla encounters the rough and tumble Michael, a charming hustler who soon becomes her lover and confidant. Though both live in different worlds, their passion for one another has the power to overcome any obstacle that lies in their way.

LUSTQUAL recounts the painful



Erotik Doppelband (Camilla G.).

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