"In Pawn" - захватывающий триллер о мире шахмат и опасных политических играх. Главный герой, молодой американский гроссмейстер Патрик Кроуфорд, приезжает на международный турнир в Испанию. Но вместо шахмат ему приходится столкнуться с миром международных интриг и шпионажа.

Патрика похищают агенты русской разведки, которым нужна его помощь в сложной комбинации против западных спецслужб. Ему придется принять участие в опасной игре, где на кону не только его жизнь, но и судьба мира. Патрику предстоит пройти через испытания, проверяющие его интеллект, хладнокровие и умение предугадывать ходы противника на несколько шагов вперед.

Это захватывающий триллер в духе лучших шахматных детективов, где реальность переплетается с вымыслом. Автору удалось создать ярких героев и увлекательный сюжет, который не отпускает до последней страницы. Книга определенно понравится как любителям шахмат, так и поклонникам остросюжетной прозы.

In Pawn: Stories is a collection of short stories first published between 1976–83 by Butler Ellis Parker. The book was originally chosen by American literary magazine Asimov's Science Fiction for the 1984 Fantasy Book Award in Science Fiction as the "Best First Novel".

Minor Characters by Bunbury Title 43 The Regicide If the story is alien to you, here's a description I made up for myself: It is with some sadness that I close this book, although not without feeling it was a worthwhile experience. From the start, this novel promised something special. It truly has such stunning prose that it puts so many other historical and modern works to shame. Set in Kentucky and Mexico during the revolutionary war of Texas, it explores many dry characters inside of a watery, ever escalating set of plotting events that culminate in the tragic demise of two men - Von Cortlandt (or "Pawn") whose father sold lower class lives at tax auction, and his friend Louis, who was originally his opposite, but fell into a life of alcoholism and disregard for family and duty. Along the way we meet Col William Bonny and Vera (a character reviewer thought was based on Emily Dickinson and who would elevate her own name not from within but of from the roots), as well as Sleepy Toya, a land broker in San Antonio. Above all else, one is simply enchanted with how vividly the author succeeds in crafting the oppressive setting that day to day life was like during such a time period. Each word turns itself into an entire dictionary entry born just once throughout the text, and many times over you are struck by its easy management of more than a general gist of context without becoming overburdening nearly every few pages. Somehow, Ellis Parker manages to strike the perfect balance between charmingly relatable characters whose very demises breathe passionately to their breathless predicaments, and the claustrophobic loneliness of those plopped in the darkest corners of what each could have become.


#зарубежная классика

In Pawn (Butler Ellis Parker).

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