Thomas Andrews, Shipbuilder (Bullock Shan F.).

"Thomas Andrews, Shipbuilder" - это биография Томаса Эндрюса, известного английского судостроителя, который был главным инженером на строительстве легендарного корабля "Титаник". Книга рассказывает о жизни и карьере Томаса Эндрюса, начиная с его детства в семье судостроителей и заканчивая трагической гибелью на "Титанике". В книге также описываются технические и инженерные аспекты создания "Титаника" и других судов, на которых работал Томас Эндрюс. Автор книги - Дэвид Р. Данкан, историк и автор нескольких книг о "Титанике".

Thomas Andrews is the owner and the builder of some very popular ships. However, art forms were his passion and he never could cooperate with anyone. When the Navy needed him to build a totally modified freighter for improved speed, and Scott of Scott's Bluff figured out a way (maybe through guile or bribery) to have Andrews cooperate, things did not go well for Andrews. Bullock explores Andrew's sometimes self destructive personal relationship with his workers and son, their interactions with a cruel world, and how life's work can be contradictory without ever truly being completed. Andrews sometimes wonders if serving the public is worth the personal risk, the overwhelming demands outside of work, problems at home-where will it all lead?

Bullock Shan A, "Shipbuilder" , Thomas Andrews (2003). . A poignant memoir by former U.S. Navy intelligence officer Tom Andrews recounts some of the challenges he faced as a submarine service analyst in his time with the Nav Intelligence Division in the Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington, D.C., gives vivid examples of how weekly intelligence gatherings were space-consuming distractions and allowed foreign adversaries time to preserve their position vis a vis threatening nuclear scenarios. Key weapons systems officials saw the information gathered by the press as unreliable for weapons-related matters and reject or inhibit secrecy if serious mistakes were made. Andrews also examines the post-Cold War Navy's challenge with what would happen if a nuclear submarine accident led to radiological releases (a potential nightmare from the perspective of nuclear accident response planning). In addition to reviewing Soviet tests and accidents on submarines, Andrews dives into cases and conceptual variables not often discussed by other sources. His expertise augments the discussion of possible responsible operations, management issues, and social changes resulting from technological development. Bullock Shan has an interview with him at length and finds Andrews to be indirectly responsible for the ocean shutters and the invention of submarine escape suits.


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Thomas Andrews, Shipbuilder (Bullock Shan F.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Thomas Andrews, Shipbuilder
  • Автор: Bullock Shan F.
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain