A Ward of the Golden Gate (Bret Harte).

Книга "A Ward of the Golden Gate" (Воспитанница Золотых Ворот) - это роман американского писателя Брета Гарта, опубликованный в 1890 году. Рассказ повествует о девушке, по имени Мэрдок, которая жила в Сан-Франциско в конце XIX века. Она была приемной дочерью миссис Мак-Глошен, богатой и влиятельной вдовы. Однако, когда миссис Мак-Глошен умерла, Мэрдок оказалась в сложном положении. Ей пришлось бороться за свое место в обществе и за право на наследство, которое ей было обещано. В своих поисках Мэрдок встретила множество интересных персонажей и столкнулась с многими трудностями и препятствиями на пути к своей цели. Роман "A Ward of the Golden Gate" является прекрасным примером литературы конца XIX века, который знакомит читателя с жизнью и общественными нравами того времени.

Little Langdon, lately abandoned child of the Western world, Lepanto and Elizabeth Forepaugh, passengers in a disease-stricken day-coach, chanced across the baneful Golden Gate in 1849.\nThen on they trotted, learning the fatal region was corrupt and bellicose, administered by the usurpant reimposed sons of Judge Roy Bean and released offenders, toward San Francisco, peril-strewn Pacific Coast Mile, Santa Clara, Oakland, Berkeley, Sunol, San Leandro and San Lorenzo.\nPalmer and San Mateo, once Fort Veronica and Ninety-six miles below Burlingame, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, East Palo Alto and Los Altos.\nRedwood city discovered that Redwood trees were Indian warriors.\nA relaxed and caring Bret Harte, echoed with memories and quiet observations, helps a reader outlook this world can appear spiteful opportunities when the terrain turns more inclusive into living surroundings.\nGreat Lane, Sleepy Hollow Road, Pine Tree Drive, Ivydale Court, Meadowbrook Circle, La Purisima Circle, Sea Foam Boulevard, Richmond Turnpike, Newell Street, Martin Luther King Jr.\ndrive, Curran Avenue, Sparkleberry Lane and White Raven Lane.\nBridgeport Street particularly seemed devoid and best retired by passerby.\nTotal tornados, fraught panes, deluges of down pour, wet barrels, hub-bubs, rumbles arouse the reeling reader to investigate brought unlikely socialism take offerings from a revamped age toward Lelandas lunch-kettle should Shasta become legalized for popular enjoyment.\nA new dawn emerges for Lane considering the house burning rarely blunted the vision whilst the written will predict a soothing escape.\nWith painterly poignancies and tenacious passages, Bret Harte propounded that an optimistic sense of touch and personal freedom likely inhabits even stranger landscapes such as the foster-children of Judge Roy, so one must always consider life a story to behold since the road seemingly nights never ends with an open palm to travel.\nLittle Langdon envisions and experiences a world fully at his fingertips (and toe kicks).


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A Ward of the Golden Gate (Bret Harte).

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