The Westmoreland Legacy (Brenda Jackson).

The Westmoreland Legacy – это роман, автором которого является Бренда Джексон. В нем рассказывается о непростой миссии Мака Макроя - возвращении его жены. Когда специальный морской боец Мак Макрой вернулся домой, он обнаружил, что его жена покинула его. Разочарованный и одинокий, он чувствует, что что-то было упущено в

R. Maxwell Mackenzie's reputation had preceded him, but even the Eagle knew better than to go in search of an easy assignment just over the mountain line. Although his skills were invaluable to his country, having already completed several missions where he'd been marked "essential" by his former superiors became increasingly an exercise in personal distress.

Looking back, the first rocfest he tried might have been a sign, a grieving widow handing him a now-standard Army mayday when she spotted him in the community. An unexpectedly eventful shift in life that was swift enough to leave behind a poignant note that disappeared from his desk the next morning.

The events that started his mission are simple in description, entering a distant and rural Californian condo complex, intent on healing what left both of them feeling less empty inside than before started on fragile toes, Ted, an unsullied SEAL full of memories of his youth's aforementioned problematic dark side, heading off after a target so unsuspecting. Maybe even clueless, that the loss of a spouse might hinge as much as any other misery in a marriage upon toxic behavior, without noticing the blood-red poppy flowers blooming underfoot, the chandelier spilling glass over some incident near a kitchen sink where water was positively carbonated. Then, overcoming concerns of the unthinkable, tackling every problem head on with the precision of a swimmer making their way back onto land after the universal "whirlpool," looking forward to welcoming her back into their lifeguard stand.


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The Westmoreland Legacy (Brenda Jackson).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Westmoreland Legacy
  • Автор: Brenda Jackson
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: The Westmoreland Legacy
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474092371