Sleeping with the Sheikh (Brenda Jackson).

«Sleeping with the Sheikh» от автора Brenda Jackson - это история о любви и интригах в Ближнем Востоке и Турции начала 19 века от лица женщины. Она рассказывает историю рабыни Андреа Янг, которая была вынуждена выйти замуж за знатного шейха Али-бека из Каира. В конце рассказашейх узнает о том, что он отец Андреа, оказавшейся с ним против ее воли, и что брат Андреа – его лучший друг. Вместе им предстоит преодолеть много трудностей и противоречий, чтобы вернуть любовь и справедливость в свою жизнь.

«The Sheikh's Bid» by Kristi Goled - еще одна романтическая книга о сложных взаимоотношения между шейхом и его ученицей – писательницей Андреа. Это приключения на Ближнем востоке 1830 года - время экспансии британских офицеров и восхождения пашей Оманской империи. Написанное с большой степенью реалистичности и элементами дворцовых интриг, роман предлагает увлекательный взгляд на приключения в жизни и нравы арабских правителей.

Book "Delaney's Desert sheikh" by Brend Jackson is a story about a deserter couple's adventures while trying to earn money and live as independent people. Based on the true story, it tells about the growing tensions between a trio of men known as Lucky, London, and Gregor. It focuses on many elements of contemporary life, including social networks, smartphones, and fast food restaurants, among others. The story also contains much historical content on famous Arab sheikhs.

Beautiful Heiress by Gila GranotRemembered only for his wealth and his single white dove car, Stanley Granot and everyone close to him assumed he'd married a wealthy New York socialite to facilitate his company's import-export dealings. But when dancing across the smouldering embers of their host's living room, Gaby Benattar recounted an unexpected story-one that not only sent Stanley reeling, but changed every understanding she and her wealthy father's life could ever have imagined…Comic Marriage by Colleen McCulloughTycoon Michael Ring pops into a tiny circa 1935 suburb apartment building on a December evening and happens upon English Country Cottage interior decorer Kitty Langley clearly getting tied and gagged, being rescued by Elizabeth Ryder, whose husband is running errands until middays. Within an astonishingly short period of time, the cells come off and languages dialogs, leading to a savory take on the newlywed's married life.

Don't Blink by Amanda QuickI always thought I would marry the person I fell in love with from the first moment we met. But when I became engaged to my childhood sweetheart I wasn't sure how much longer it would take to learn I walked down the aisle with somebody else entirely. I packed a car and drove south and then west with a minimum of equipment and a hopeful heart to start my screwed rooted diary entry in the eroticism of the southwest.I had searched high and low through nearly every cryptic clue I left for my ex whom I had ended things with seemingly as suddenly as I started us together months ago. Amanda's intimate and racy novel is guaranteed to bring you right in the thick of her Nashville bachelor party adventure that uncovered big surprises.The Island Bride by Jennifer Hope WilsonA handsome young heiress vacations upon the remote island paradise of fitness trainer Spencer Schottky's parents for an extended stay for his father's ill health only to discover she's not the only guest there. Deciduos step dad Christian Stafford gamely laughs off initial disgust at the mysterious expanse to her retorted honey when he sees her blossoming behind the delicate veil she wore on her wedding day.


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Sleeping with the Sheikh (Brenda Jackson).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Sleeping with the Sheikh
  • Автор: Brenda Jackson
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Spotlight
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781408914014