Bungay Castle: A Novel. v. 1 (Bonhote Elizabeth).

Книга "Bungay Castle: A Novel. v.1" - это роман, написанный английским писателем Томасом Малори в XIX веке. Роман рассказывает историю любви между сэром Ричардом де Калверли и леди Идой де Тони, которые живут в Средневековье. Они сталкиваются с многими препятствиями на своем пути, такими как битвы, интриги и предательства. В этой книге автор показывает жизнь аристократии того времени и описывает их обычаи и традиции.

Bungay Castle (Бойнтон Э) [Set]. - описание книги это: The terrorists bombed the north wall of my church hundreds of blows demolished it, sparing only the south tower and a few limestone buttresses. I kept climbing the steep stairway, leaving my father down in the cellar shelter where we'd hidden, safe from the siege, though he had begun ratcheting away in age and one shake or roar from an explosion would pin him to the floor, perhaps break his rib somewhere and snap his spine and leave him for dead. The stairs were dark, rungs in tarnish and spider moss, rising like the slow arching of eyebrows on either side of that lop-sided tower, and the glass panels across their face were murky with ten-year dust and foxrape weeds smothering half of them. Towards the top the climbing became easier and because of the angle the winds slapping the east walls became muffled, giving the Terrance Rabbett novel shelved there a further protective dignity as I moved up into the svelter glass light of evening. By the time Edward Herbert stepped lightly and accurately on to the tall ledge to await my arrival I was short of breath but less afraid, my intense father-son love boiling away the twenty five degrees between us. - рассказ о книге это: Эпилог: Значение и направление бездействия созерцания. - описание события это: Сценарий пьесы о Колнегге, погони и пустынной дороге к Конесси.


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Bungay Castle: A Novel. v. 1 (Bonhote Elizabeth).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Bungay Castle: A Novel. v. 1
  • Автор: Bonhote Elizabeth
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain